Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2017-02-10T20:25:54+02:00 /feed.php?f=41&t=13978 2017-02-10T20:25:54+02:00 2017-02-10T20:25:54+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=13978&p=143271#p143271 <![CDATA[Re: TVG mod possible fix for "to much particle" error on v1]]>
- All units and structures gain XP over time.
- Lower TECH units gain faster XP then high TECH units.
- Lowered energy and mass gain multipliers for all ACUs, SCUs.
(From 200e and 2mass to 75e and 1mass. Before that it was not needed to build any energy generatores. Now it is important again.)
- Lowered the build power gain per level. ( Before that a level 30 factory could easily drain 200 mass income)
- Added different XP tables for all Tiers. TECH1 units gain more XP then TECH2. TECH3 units gain more XP then TECH3.
-This also adds some nice complexity to ecoing. Since T1 Mexes level faster then all other Mexes they can get supirior in late game. Downside is their lower base HP and thei are far worse in early and mid game. But Late t1 Mexes should be the strongest end game Meta if playing on full risk.
- Experimentals also gain XP now over time.

Statistics: Posted by Lewnatic — 10 Feb 2017, 20:25

2017-02-08T00:45:02+02:00 2017-02-08T00:45:02+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=13978&p=143128#p143128 <![CDATA[TVG mod possible fix for "to much particle" error on v1]]>
After looking into the mod code i found some very suspicious lines that i fixed. The mod basically uses a for loop instead of a simple formular to compute the levels of the units. Which will lead to very bad performance with higher unit levels of course. Just think about 500 units at lvl 100 which means each loop has to run 100 times to get their xp amount. Totally ridiculous. After fixing, I had 5 games with no crash so far.

Im not sure if this fixes the "to much particle" error crash but it seems like it. If not it will at least give a huge performance boost to the mod.

I also did some balance changes to the mod.

-> changing ACU energy gain from 200 to 75 and mass gain from 2 mass to 1 mass per level since i think its rediculous that you dont need to build energy in TVG.

I uploaded the mod to the vault but i need a bit more testing until i can say the particle crash is finally fixed.

Edit: Would be cool if anyone could test the mod. It is in the vault and called TVG v1.1 (Sadly im on my notebook since i had a water damage in my appartment. I would normaly test the mod myself. My internet died literally when i uploaded the mod. And masses of water where comming from my ceiling in my appartment since my stupid neighbor thought it would be nice to forget to put the water off after bathing. I will not be able to log into FAF for the next couple of days i guess.*

Statistics: Posted by Lewnatic — 08 Feb 2017, 00:45
