]]>2016-03-17T11:20:52+02:002016-03-17T11:20:52+02:00/viewtopic.php?t=11979&p=122969#p122969 Some ways how it could be implemented:
* Bad way: Every player save their camera data with SimCallbacks which then can be used at replay, Not very sane due to performance reasons (lots of calls during a game which scales with n-players).
* Better: Save the camera-data to server via GpgNetSend calls, after game completes the server can either store that data into FAFReplay header or just provide another way (http) of getting them at the time you want to watch the replay.
Theoretically this could be a better way of casting replays, instead of a "non-interactive" youtube video we can launch the replay + caster recorded audio/camera movement (which was saved when he watched the replay) and other players now have camera control / eco overview during the casting. On top of this we could let users add comments / chat / notes whatever when watching replay which then would get shown for subsequent viewers. (Soundcloudish).
The sugar on top would be to also have support for synchronized replay playback with friends. Throwing in the sink would be to let the server record a playback of the actual casting and auto-upload it to youtube for the audience currently lacking FAF-capability.
Aim would be to create a "community feeling" around each separate replay
Statistics: Posted by Crotalus — 17 Mar 2016, 11:20
]]>2016-03-10T19:22:04+02:002016-03-10T19:22:04+02:00/viewtopic.php?t=11979&p=122410#p122410Statistics: Posted by ZLO_RD — 10 Mar 2016, 19:22
]]>2016-03-10T19:08:27+02:002016-03-10T19:08:27+02:00/viewtopic.php?t=11979&p=122407#p122407 They have it in Starcraft. I think it would be a nice idea to have it for FAF aswell
Statistics: Posted by Kalvirox — 10 Mar 2016, 19:08