"upgraded them one at a time, unassisted". This is the least effective method, however in practice it seems very convenient. Assisting mexes stalls you're eco, upgrading them unassisted is a much smaller drain on eco.
no no, upgraiding them once in a time unassisted it totally fine
what is not fine is when you have to much mass and you make 2 or many mex upgraides at once, uhm... actually it is fine too, if that is your strategic choice is to eco and you just do not have engineers in that area, it will be fine but just not very efficient.
so if some one was just upgraiding mexes one at a time unassisted he was not really ecoing much
and that advice about assisting mexes refering to most efficient way to eco, and obviusly in that case guy was not ecoing much and when you eco alot you have alot of mass, and you want put all that mass in t2 mexes and then into storages and then into t3 mexes... but in case of real game you do not have much spare mass to use it on upgraiding mexes, so unassisted mex can be fine and efficient, no need to walk with engy, no need for extra engy as well
and most efficient way to upgraide mexes one at the time without stalling and without having much mass and power in storage i guess...Statistics: Posted by ZLO_RD — 24 Dec 2014, 22:18