Neutrino wrote:
So I have a few questions:
In "Find Games" should all the mod game types be disabled? Do I have to install those mods first manually? If I want to play vs AI do I need to install mods like Sorian AI before they are available too?
The mods that the game is hosted with are shown at the bottom of each lobby.
eg. "Nombringers game.
{Map picture}
RK's explosions V7"
Mods are downloaded and installed automatically if you join a lobby with then enabled. I believe Sorian is installed by default
If you want to find a mod or custom map to install, go to the vaults tab on the bottom right.
Why does the open games pane show several games with a "with me" tag when I haven't selected to join a game yet?
The lobby is showing an estimate of the balance "with you" for more on the balance system and trueskill, have a look at the wiki
If FAF enhances the game how do I launch a single player FAF skirmish against the AI? I'm guessing I have to click "Create Custom Game" and take it from there but it would be useful to have an idea of which options I need to look out for.
Find games -------> Double click "Forged Alliance Forever" You will open to a lobby where you can then add in Ai just like you would do in the base game.
Is it possible to play the Forged Alliance campaign with whatever game improvements FAF brings?
You can play it coop by hosting a game in the coop campaign tab (This is still a WIP I believe so there may still be a few bugs)
Or alternatively you can launch the game from ProgramaData:FAforever:Bin:Forged Alliance.exe then just go to the campaign where you normally would.
P.S. I can't post a thread in the FAF Tech Support forum, and yes I have read all the links under "You won't be able to open a thread if you don't read all this" and searched the forum too.
Did you read this carefully?
"In order to post, you need to apply to this user group :
In order to do that :
- Go to your UCP (user Control Panel) : ucp.php?i=176
- Select "Tech support users".
- Click "submit" (check that "Join selected" is active).
The new thread button is now available."
You are not in the "Tech Support Users" group as far as I can see?
Statistics: Posted by Nombringer — 01 Dec 2014, 13:35