Long story short, I can see all the patch notes, but just seeing a whole bunch of numerical changes doesn't really give me a good idea of what has actually changed --- so holistically, what has changed since the last official FA patch?.
- Are there any significant new strategies or uses of units that I should be aware of? Anything that used to be bad become good, or vice versa? Has the cost-to-performance efficiency of different tech engineers changed? How significant are the changes to adjacency bonuses?
- How much better/worse are the experimental units now vs. back then?
- What impact does the new "factory HQ" mechanic have on competitive play?
EDIT: I've seen that there are a few similar threads, but I guess I really don't care about specific changes (since I can read the patch notes), mainly changes to the meta.Statistics: Posted by TheMipchunk — 03 Nov 2014, 05:05