Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2020-06-01T01:04:30+02:00 /feed.php?f=40&t=8704 2020-06-01T01:04:30+02:00 2020-06-01T01:04:30+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8704&p=184571#p184571 <![CDATA[Re: Another Australian player]]> Statistics: Posted by nine2 — 01 Jun 2020, 01:04

2020-05-31T13:52:43+02:00 2020-05-31T13:52:43+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8704&p=184560#p184560 <![CDATA[Re: Another Australian player]]>
How're we doing with the proxy solution for the southern hemisphere?

Statistics: Posted by snuffles — 31 May 2020, 13:52

2020-05-31T12:26:45+02:00 2020-05-31T12:26:45+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8704&p=184558#p184558 <![CDATA[Re: Another Australian player]]> Statistics: Posted by nine2 — 31 May 2020, 12:26

2020-05-31T11:42:40+02:00 2020-05-31T11:42:40+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8704&p=184555#p184555 <![CDATA[Re: Another Australian player]]>

Statistics: Posted by mirddes — 31 May 2020, 11:42

2014-12-14T10:41:44+02:00 2014-12-14T10:41:44+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8704&p=88406#p88406 <![CDATA[Re: Another Australian player]]>
I recall there being talk among some (earlier this year) about getting an Australian proxy server set up and linked to the EU proxy server. Is it still viable, given the change of ownership of the project?

Statistics: Posted by snuffles — 14 Dec 2014, 10:41

2014-10-20T05:40:38+02:00 2014-10-20T05:40:38+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8704&p=83775#p83775 <![CDATA[Re: Another Australian player]]> ... a3c43961b8

Statistics: Posted by Deering — 20 Oct 2014, 05:40

2014-10-16T17:12:00+02:00 2014-10-16T17:12:00+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8704&p=83572#p83572 <![CDATA[Re: Another Australian player]]> NAT mechanism. the proxy is not expected to be required often.
But it seems that it is used more often than necessary.

BTW, you dont have to be an aussie to participate here. The basic problem (sans mega ping)
is independent of national borders.

Statistics: Posted by rootbeer23 — 16 Oct 2014, 17:12

2014-10-16T16:48:55+02:00 2014-10-16T16:48:55+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8704&p=83571#p83571 <![CDATA[Re: Another Australian player]]> Statistics: Posted by odin002 — 16 Oct 2014, 16:48

2014-10-16T13:40:25+02:00 2014-10-16T13:40:25+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8704&p=83563#p83563 <![CDATA[Re: Another Australian player]]> best test data would come from 2 peers who can only connect by proxy for the same game.
but it is equally interesting to see the logs of a peer that can connect without proxy
to another peer that does have many proxy connections to other peers.
please reference a previous post if you have logs that were made during the same game.

please include faforever.log, but not game.log and download ... p/download

and attach the output of running:
stunclient -m full -v 2 (or any other stun server)

Statistics: Posted by rootbeer23 — 16 Oct 2014, 13:40

2014-10-16T12:51:59+02:00 2014-10-16T12:51:59+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8704&p=83561#p83561 <![CDATA[Re: Another Australian player]]> Statistics: Posted by Deering — 16 Oct 2014, 12:51

2014-10-16T10:34:27+02:00 2014-10-16T10:34:27+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8704&p=83555#p83555 <![CDATA[Re: Another Australian player]]>
Might see you on sometime.

Statistics: Posted by Ninchidna — 16 Oct 2014, 10:34

2014-10-16T06:13:03+02:00 2014-10-16T06:13:03+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8704&p=83547#p83547 <![CDATA[Re: Another Australian player]]>
Just save yourself some headaches and kick yourself if the connection is crap - if the ping meter is yellow in the lobby, it's not worth playing. Better to spend 30 minutes finding a good game than to sit there for 60 minutes whilst they sort out the lobby and just before you start you get kicked / everyone quits once you start due to lag / people try rehost / being tortured by lag / all that stupid stuff.

Avoid large games (4v4) because your chances of having a good connection to everyone is limited so play 1v1 / 2v2 instead. Or host an aussie 4v4 game - there are lots of us.

I'm Brisbane / 13mbps

Statistics: Posted by nine2 — 16 Oct 2014, 06:13

2014-10-16T04:52:48+02:00 2014-10-16T04:52:48+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8704&p=83545#p83545 <![CDATA[Another Australian player]]>
Just wanted to introduce myself and say hello to you all. I use to play SupCom in the old GPG days just casually, then switched to SupCom2 for a whole week when it came out but never went back to SupCom after that week. I saw FAF come up on my facebook feed and thought I'd install SupCom again and alas, here I am.

I am very impressed with the changes that have been made and I am completely into this game again. I've tried PA but think it still needs a lot of work and I much prefer the graphics and strategy that SupCom needs.

I have a question that I am hoping that other Aussies can answer. Is there anything I can do to make my connection to other players more stable? I know most of the players are on the Europe side of the world and it's probably more the distance then my connection. But I'm really into this game and want to keep playing it but I can never seem to get into any games without being kicked (completely understand BTW), or sometimes causing the game to lag.

I am on a very good connection by our standards, I get around 60Mbps down and 14Mbps up with a ping of 15ms.

Any help would be much appreciated.


Statistics: Posted by Ninchidna — 16 Oct 2014, 04:52
