Froku wrote:
in my last game is something crazy happened.
those thing happen pretty often, i do not beleave that was truly crazy, just look at this if you want some crazyness
Froku wrote:
How can I protect my Commander against this cheating strategy?
First of all you need to remember that you playing against cybran, so they have that ability to upgraide laser and teleport
and if you scout enemy base and see not much being build but he has many t3 power, then he may be making those acu upgraides
to defend get t2 t3 upgraides and shield/regen/stealth on acu, also stationary shields can help,
AND get about ~25 t1 pds or 25 t3 gunships (if you use strats be carefull of friendly fire), or any direct fire unit with big dps, like GC, monkeylord, 20 t3 bots or go underwater with acu, set acu on transport and hide it some where out of enemy scouts/radars
also when someone teleports to you, you can see blue ring in place where he is going to teleportStatistics: Posted by ZLO_RD — 12 Sep 2014, 20:21