Is this referring to 1v1 or to team games? This will affect what you should do... Generally speaking though, unless you are pulling massive amounts of reclaim you should not upgrade a mex to t3 with only 30 income, and at 30 income you should NOT be building mass fabricators. Mass fabricators are not as efficient as mex are (generally and especially in 1v1) so you should not be building them until you can not cap any more mexes and every single one is at least t2 + storage.
In 1v1 and team games. In 1v1 i build more units, but the general process stays simmilar althou the games hardly reach the stage where i need t3 mexes, while in team i tech more. What i meant is +30 income left over with every factory running and comm and engies building something. Replay i added is ffa and is a good pointer of how i upgrade mexes while pumping lots of units (less then on 1v1 thou).Statistics: Posted by Marko Box — 18 Apr 2013, 01:49