Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2017-11-30T22:31:30+02:00 /feed.php?f=40&t=15531 2017-11-30T22:31:30+02:00 2017-11-30T22:31:30+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=15531&p=157282#p157282 <![CDATA[Problem account activation]]>
first at all, you do a great job with FAF :)

my problem is, i had registered a new account 3 days ago (done the mail activation directly after the registration). today i want to go online the first time and received the following messages: "Login not found or password incorrect. the are case sensitive". the thing is, a dont saved my pw (done it in the login but it didn`t exist there any more) and when i try to get a new one, i get the following message "Error! Username and/or email did not match." But it is my real email and the username was saved by the login.
i also cant made a new account cause the mail (surprise) still exist.

so what can i do now?

(sry for the bad english)

Statistics: Posted by everynameisused — 30 Nov 2017, 22:31
