Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2017-05-16T18:22:36+02:00 /feed.php?f=40&t=14580 2017-05-16T18:22:36+02:00 2017-05-16T18:22:36+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14580&p=148911#p148911 <![CDATA[Re: Problem connecting to certain players]]> And I doubt its an issue on their end but I cant ask for their logs since I dont know these people.
But thanks anywase.

Statistics: Posted by stupidshady — 16 May 2017, 18:22

2017-05-16T18:16:21+02:00 2017-05-16T18:16:21+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14580&p=148910#p148910 <![CDATA[Re: Problem connecting to certain players]]> when you do so make sure to read the red text and provide the logs in question (forever.log, game.log and forever.log.1)
when reporting a con issue with specific players it would be best to have the logs of the player you can't connect to as well since it could be an issue on their end

Statistics: Posted by PhilipJFry — 16 May 2017, 18:16

2017-05-16T18:00:03+02:00 2017-05-16T18:00:03+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14580&p=148908#p148908 <![CDATA[Problem connecting to certain players]]> I tried changing the port in FAF and in router but that didnt seem to help even made matters worse.
I have a game where I rechanged to the original port 6112 and where I couldnt connect to 2 specific players who were fully connected with everyone else.
This is a part of the log with the players connection to me.

info: GPGNET: setting nat handler to 0x114c2004
info: LOBBY: Game port 6113[UDP] opened.
info: LOBBY: starting with local uid of 177288 [StupidShady]
info: GPGNET: entering lobby state.
debug: Wavebank prepared: 37682070
debug: Wavebank prepared: 37682bb0
info: NET: using deflate compression for sends to AlexPC:64646.
info: LOBBY: Connecting to host "kexos" [AlexPC:64646, uid=209847]
info: Can't add chat text -- no chat display
info: text="Connecting to game host..."
info: DisconnectFromPeer (uid=207318)
info: LOBBY: deleting unknown peer uid 207318.
info: ConnectToPeer (name=FOBOS113, uid=207318, address=, USE PROXY)
info: NET: using deflate compression for sends to AlexPC:64647.
info: LOBBY: Adding peer "FOBOS113" [AlexPC:64647, uid=207318]
info: Can't add chat text -- no chat display
info: text="Connecting to FOBOS113..."
info: DisconnectFromPeer (uid=196517)
info: LOBBY: deleting unknown peer uid 196517.
info: ConnectToPeer (name=sheldorth, uid=196517, address=, USE PROXY)
info: NET: using deflate compression for sends to AlexPC:64648.
info: LOBBY: Adding peer "sheldorth" [AlexPC:64648, uid=196517]
info: Can't add chat text -- no chat display
info: text="Connecting to sheldorth..."
info: NET: using deflate compression for receives from AlexPC:64646
info: LOBBY: connection to "kexos" [AlexPC:64646, uid=209847] made, status=Connecting.
info: NET: using deflate compression for sends to AlexPC:64645.
info: LOBBY: rejecting unexpected connection from AlexPC:64645

I noticed it stated in the beginning opening UDP port 6113 but its definatly in FAF on 6112.
And I cant link my account to steam because of the site that doesnt work.

-this is was with avast anti virus and firewall turnd off and my windows firewall was off as well.
-I also did a full reinstall even with deleting the files made in ProgramData still didnt help

Statistics: Posted by stupidshady — 16 May 2017, 18:00
