Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2014-03-09T11:03:03+02:00 /feed.php?f=39&t=6133 2014-03-09T11:03:03+02:00 2014-03-09T11:03:03+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=6133&p=68357#p68357 <![CDATA[Re: PA 2014]]>
And I also don't agree that it is a stupid busyness model. The pricing is stupid, yes. But the model itself is not. Bohemia Interactive got it right with Arma 3. They increased teh price with the game getting closer to release. And it really is on the user to understand, that he is buying an unfinished product. Obviously Uber started selling the early access so early in the development process because they needed the money. But that is fine with me. If people want to pay as much money, it's their decision. I did not. But so what? So the problem really is with people that don't understand what they are buying.

Just to make that clear: I myself am disappointed with PA. I think it looks bad and not fun. I don't like the design language, think the random generated planets are basically all the same and hate the graphics style/ aesthetics. But I still support the project because I'd still take this over the generic RTS of today any day. I would even liek to see them putting more emphasis on the UI and controls.

Edit: What I am VERY fond of is the implemantation of new control schemes like the ones taken form ZeroK! That really does it for me. I think they already have many control mechanisms which FA lacks badly. I would even like to see them putting more emphasis on the UI and controls.

Statistics: Posted by Lionhardt — 09 Mar 2014, 11:03

2014-02-20T23:49:01+02:00 2014-02-20T23:49:01+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=6133&p=66281#p66281 <![CDATA[Re: PA 2014]]>

In this case You pay money for service called "early access to beta version of the game that someday will become a product". :evil:

Like it or not but it is like this...

Statistics: Posted by necxelos — 20 Feb 2014, 23:49

2014-02-18T08:54:09+02:00 2014-02-18T08:54:09+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=6133&p=65790#p65790 <![CDATA[Re: PA 2014]]>
For me, something is released when I can buy it with real money from a store, without having to fill some form.
Actually, it's not "for me", it's the actual definition of "buying".

1. To acquire in exchange for money or its equivalent; purchase.
2. To be capable of purchasing:

ie. Oculus Rift can be bought from their site, but it's not a store and you have to fill a form. So it's not released.

PA can be bought on steam with a single click, so it's released.

Statistics: Posted by Ze_PilOt — 18 Feb 2014, 08:54

2014-02-18T05:41:07+02:00 2014-02-18T05:41:07+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=6133&p=65777#p65777 <![CDATA[Re: PA 2014]]>
Ze_PilOt wrote:
My verdict :
Well that verdict is pure (with all due respect) because:
a) This is early beta and 99% of people don't like to be free guinea pigs (not to mention guinea pigs that MUST PAY to be allowed being used as guinea pigs). Everyone is waiting for the full product which isn't going to be released anytime soon. This people online You see are all backers that take pleasure from "having impact in making the game" not actuall players.
b) The game itself is in so poor and uncomplete state (only core units done - it's like FA with only 3 units in every factory at each tier and) having only basic mechanics applied (planet travel & destruction, and unit gun).
c) Steam Early Access & Uber Store Beta Acess are insanely expensive. I mean there is no AAA game out there which costs this much (even including prices of all DLC). Their pricing politics are just retarded hard.

Ze_PilOt wrote:
Not my fault if Uber decided to make money by releasing a alpha in early access. Probably a big mistake from their part, now people are judging PA as a released game, because, well, it's released.
Calling it beta won't change the fact that you are spending money to play a game, in my book, it's called selling a game, and you can't sell a game that is not released.
I hate early access in general, and I hope it will kill some games due to bad publicity. That kind of game economic has to die, it's worst than DLC & season pass.
The game is not realeased, that's what people try to say to You without much effect. Game is released when You get in on shop shelf and after critics/reviewers/authorities grade it. This is just beta, aside from it costing a lot. It's like a tour in Hollywood studios. You can't predict/judge success of movie being made based on how many tourists are in Hollywood. And yeah You pay A LOT for such a tour, believe me.

But to the subject itself. I believe this game have pretty big potential to become TOP RTS for a long time after realese.That's because:
a) Modding support and easiness of modding from the beginning = lot of content in no time,
b) Game engine is a masterpiece which.
c) No DRM from the beginning.

What I personally don't like on the other hand:
- No shields,
- No gigantic units (experimentals),
- No open space units (nor even orbital-oriented spaceship battles like the one You can watch at the beginning of Star Wars III).

Statistics: Posted by necxelos — 18 Feb 2014, 05:41

2014-02-02T08:27:40+02:00 2014-02-02T08:27:40+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=6133&p=63883#p63883 <![CDATA[Re: PA 2014]]>
FireMessiah wrote:
PA 2014 ... that thing that makes me say, "I told you".

Those people with more Money than Sense who bought the game are now regretting it.
Those people with more Sense than Money who didn't, cannot stop laughing.

The progress that game has made is minimal, and in truth I can see them "rushing" it out of the door soon.
Ask yourselves, do you really see that game growing by another 500%? That's what it would require to compete with other RTS titles.

Currently the Hype over the game, outweighs the actual Content.
And whatever Content has been created, already looks 10years old.

Said it before, ill say it again. FAF will outlast PA once the Fad ends.

That being said I would still spend money if a similar chance came, purely because the potential payoff is so big.

Statistics: Posted by Nombringer — 02 Feb 2014, 08:27

2014-02-02T01:56:54+02:00 2014-02-02T01:56:54+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=6133&p=63871#p63871 <![CDATA[Re: PA 2014]]>
Gerfand wrote:
just a question
Someone laugh when he friends buy MineCraft while on Beta?

actually miecraft was playable and alot of fun druing beta, so no, i didnt laugh
(despite the brutal RAM use)

Statistics: Posted by ColonelSheppard — 02 Feb 2014, 01:56

2014-02-01T20:48:03+02:00 2014-02-01T20:48:03+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=6133&p=63844#p63844 <![CDATA[Re: PA 2014]]> Someone laugh when he friends buy MineCraft while on Beta?

Statistics: Posted by Gerfand — 01 Feb 2014, 20:48

2014-01-31T18:23:28+02:00 2014-01-31T18:23:28+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=6133&p=63725#p63725 <![CDATA[Re: PA 2014]]>
Those people with more Money than Sense who bought the game are now regretting it.
Those people with more Sense than Money who didn't, cannot stop laughing.

The progress that game has made is minimal, and in truth I can see them "rushing" it out of the door soon.
Ask yourselves, do you really see that game growing by another 500%? That's what it would require to compete with other RTS titles.

Currently the Hype over the game, outweighs the actual Content.
And whatever Content has been created, already looks 10years old.

Said it before, ill say it again. FAF will outlast PA once the Fad ends.

Statistics: Posted by FireMessiah — 31 Jan 2014, 18:23

2014-01-31T10:41:04+02:00 2014-01-31T10:41:04+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=6133&p=63715#p63715 <![CDATA[Re: PA 2014]]> Statistics: Posted by ColonelSheppard — 31 Jan 2014, 10:41

2014-01-31T09:21:21+02:00 2014-01-31T09:21:21+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=6133&p=63714#p63714 <![CDATA[Re: PA 2014]]> But given the high number of sales on steam and the current amount of players on it, unless they do a PR stunt to bring players back, it's already dead in the water.
Supcom 2 had a patch recently that made the game a lot better from what I've heard. How many players that though supcom2 was a let down did tried it? You see the problem now.

Their fault for putting him on Early Access if you want my opinion.

And on the contrary, I'm not speculating, I'm judging what I have currently.

Maybe it will be better in the future, but I don't believe in fairy tales. I believe in what I see.

Sure the game is slightly better than 6 months ago, but it was meant to be released a month ago, and the gameplay is extremely dull even with all the new enhancements.

So I rest my case : PA doesn't deserve any minute of any player time for the moment.
Still, they are selling it $50 dollars.

That's worst than anything that EA or Activision did for the last 2 years.

Statistics: Posted by Ze_PilOt — 31 Jan 2014, 09:21

2014-01-30T21:28:17+02:00 2014-01-30T21:28:17+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=6133&p=63688#p63688 <![CDATA[Re: PA 2014]]>
Ze_PilOt wrote:
Errr, how is it NOT relevant? Both games are released, you can both buy them on steam right now, and they are the same kind of game.

Not my fault if Uber decided to make money by releasing a alpha in early access. Probably a big mistake from their part, now people are judging PA as a released game, because, well, it's released.

Calling it beta won't change the fact that you are spending money to play a game, in my book, it's called selling a game, and you can't sell a game that is not released.

I hate early access in general, and I hope it will kill some games due to bad publicity. That kind of game economic has to die, it's worst than DLC & season pass.

Both games are released except, and you can't deny it, one is far from finished. So how can you garantee that the number of players on the final release will be the same as the current one ? You have no garantee, no proof. You're just speculating. And concluding the game is allready dead does not really make sense.

Sure it's released, but not complete, without optimizations (which are about to start), so i guess you can fairly admit that the current number of players does not reflect the number of people playing the final release.

Not because it's released means your numbers are accurate and reflect what numbers will be when the game reaches it's final state.

Statistics: Posted by hellboy — 30 Jan 2014, 21:28

2014-01-30T15:12:32+02:00 2014-01-30T15:12:32+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=6133&p=63673#p63673 <![CDATA[Re: PA 2014]]>
pip wrote:
The problem for me is that I cannot be satisfied with a new game that barely manages to recreate the gameplay of a 20 years old game (it will manage to have less faction than TA, which was already very minimal at its time). For me, PA is still behind in so many areas that I cannot have fun with it. Maybe it'll change, but as I said, I don't really care anymore, I'm not hype as I once was.

This is Why The game is on Beta

Also, Uber's approach is as if Supreme Commander never existed. But Supreme Commander / FA is superior to TA in my opinion (much more variety and depth). I don't see why I should go backwards in the history of RTS. Nostalgia is cool and all, but it cannot have a long lasting appeal to me.

NO, in reality, they use things that have in SupCom, like Strat Zoom(working),the scout leaving Strat Icons(appers that will be in the next patch)

Statistics: Posted by Gerfand — 30 Jan 2014, 15:12

2014-01-30T15:06:42+02:00 2014-01-30T15:06:42+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=6133&p=63672#p63672 <![CDATA[Re: PA 2014]]>
naginacz wrote:
hello all .
I created an account to post in this topic .
I am a fan of TA , SC, FA, and finally the FAF .
I'm not a fan of CS2 :)

In my opinion, the above written a few things regarding the PA , which is not fair, but quite understandable from my point of view .
I remember when I first heard about PA , I played a lot of FAF in this time. I was not happy because of this , I thought that the PA receives players from the FAF . At that time, the servers FAF was evening about 600 players ( I played around 8PM - UTC +1:00 ) .
600 players it was not much but enough. Reducing this number could mean the end of the FAF . I had hoped that the PA will die before it will be created.
Expired less than one year .
The whole time I was interested in the PA , even though I was very skeptical . After some time I decided to buy early access.

If you think that FA will Die, man just see the Title of the server, and is not only FA palyers that are moving to PA: ... aft.55393/
also everyone can play both games... PA don't kill FA... :D

Statistics: Posted by Gerfand — 30 Jan 2014, 15:06

2014-01-30T14:42:36+02:00 2014-01-30T14:42:36+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=6133&p=63670#p63670 <![CDATA[Re: PA 2014]]>
naginacz wrote:
hello all .
I created an account to post in this topic .
I am a fan of TA , SC, FA, and finally the FAF .
I'm not a fan of CS2 :)

In my opinion, the above written a few things regarding the PA , which is not fair, but quite understandable from my point of view .
I remember when I first heard about PA , I played a lot of FAF in this time. I was not happy because of this , I thought that the PA receives players from the FAF . At that time, the servers FAF was evening about 600 players ( I played around 8PM - UTC +1:00 ) .
600 players it was not much but enough. Reducing this number could mean the end of the FAF . I had hoped that the PA will die before it will be created.
Expired less than one year .
The whole time I was interested in the PA , even though I was very skeptical . After some time I decided to buy early access.

Here's what I think now :
FA it was a breakthrough . Unfortunately for me the FA never had the climate of TA . Do not say that the game was worse . Absolutely not . Simply although I played in the FA always something I missed . I do not want to go into details , although I have a few theories. It does not matter now .
After playing around 250 games in PA, I can definitely say that this game has a climate TA . Of course , now we are working on balance and many things can be destroyed . However, I think that UBER has a clearly defined goal , and he knows what aims .

For me, the PA is amazing. Round planet and the possibility to fight on several planets with 60 + players it is quite a new experience . So far I've played in a game with 37 players and despite the lack of optimization it was pretty smooth .
it is not true that the PA is to "just spam units on every layer of play" . Only the fact that the game takes on a round , a randomly generated planet , dramatically increases the possibility of tactical / strategic . Please note that currently are creating new units . To date, only the basic units exists.

What am I going?
I think that the FAF is a wonderful game. I have it installed on my computer and I do not intend to change that. Some time ago I saw on the FAF 750 players what makes me happy.
but ...
For me, the PA is much better. Much more has a unique atmosphere from Total Annihilation.
After I experienced the game on round planets, I can not get back to the flat maps.
I love the fact that T1 units are built from the beginning until the last minute of the game. I like that I often play, having 1000 + units, although this is only a beta and will be a lot better (maybe 20k + units').
I like that Pa did not have as many ninja tricks and super gameenders. I like finally random maps.
That is my personal opinion. I based it on hundreds of games and my personal preferences. Do not fight me if you think different, because I do not I fight with you.
Better we will fight with Starcraft and his micro-management style of game :). This is the true opposite of a strategic way of thinking of the FAF and PA.

Maybe Cris Taylor will create TA2 in the future. Then again, I will be apprehensive about the community of my game. And maybe eventually I'll buy his game if he will do a good job;)

Be lenient with my grammar :)

This is an interesting post.

Indeed, for me, PA is like a cartoon copy of TA + spherical planets. For people prefering TA to FA, it's normal to enjoy PA more. Personnally, I still prefer the atmosphere of TA over PA (I don't like the cartoonish looks and the sense of scale of PA), and the much more detailed and unique maps in 2D with specific strategies for each map, rather than random but generic planets.

The problem for me is that I cannot be satisfied with a new game that barely manages to recreate the gameplay of a 20 years old game (it will manage to have less faction than TA, which was already very minimal at its time). For me, PA is still behind in so many areas that I cannot have fun with it. Maybe it'll change, but as I said, I don't really care anymore, I'm not hype as I once was.

Also, Uber's approach is as if Supreme Commander never existed. But Supreme Commander / FA is superior to TA in my opinion (much more variety and depth). I don't see why I should go backwards in the history of RTS. Nostalgia is cool and all, but it cannot have a long lasting appeal to me.

Statistics: Posted by pip — 30 Jan 2014, 14:42

2014-01-30T14:15:26+02:00 2014-01-30T14:15:26+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=6133&p=63668#p63668 <![CDATA[Re: PA 2014]]>
pip wrote:
My thoughts exactly. For me, PA is already dead. It's born dead.

Just think that PA don't born yet and you will be fine ;)

Statistics: Posted by Gerfand — 30 Jan 2014, 14:15
