Forged Alliance ForeverForged Alliance Forever Forums2012-09-28T11:55:57+02:00/feed.php?f=39&t=19792012-09-28T11:55:57+02:002012-09-28T11:55:57+02:00/viewtopic.php?t=1979&p=21044#p21044 But I also saved myself lots of dosh so thats ok.
]]>2012-09-28T11:49:25+02:002012-09-28T11:49:25+02:00/viewtopic.php?t=1979&p=21043#p21043 Even though you say you're "computer illiterate" I'd highly recommend building it yourself, as it's no more difficult then assembling a Lego kit and your gaming dollar will go much farther. If you want to hop on FAF chat, look for myself, Viking, MagicDoc or ToejamS and we'll be glad to help you nail down the exact parts based on what you need. Here's an example build:
Depending on how flexible your budget is, you could either use the 2500k's integrated graphics or add a dedicated GPU. You could also reuse parts from your current machine such as your hard drive and optical drive to save more and put it into better hardware.