Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2017-05-09T12:04:13+02:00 /feed.php?f=39&t=14497 2017-05-09T12:04:13+02:00 2017-05-09T12:04:13+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14497&p=148237#p148237 <![CDATA[Re: Why can't people find time to play FAF tourney games?]]> viewtopic.php?f=2&t=13006&hilit=Why+do+you+not+play+regularly

Statistics: Posted by Morax — 09 May 2017, 12:04

2017-05-08T16:41:33+02:00 2017-05-08T16:41:33+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14497&p=148104#p148104 <![CDATA[Re: Why can't people find time to play FAF tourney games?]]> Statistics: Posted by Blackheart — 08 May 2017, 16:41

2017-05-08T05:59:50+02:00 2017-05-08T05:59:50+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14497&p=148069#p148069 <![CDATA[Re: Why can't people find time to play FAF tourney games?]]>
I thought the first round was alright. People tended to play their games throughout the week in a balanced way. After that week, it turned to shit.

Statistics: Posted by FtXCommando — 08 May 2017, 05:59

2017-05-08T05:38:46+02:00 2017-05-08T05:38:46+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14497&p=148067#p148067 <![CDATA[Re: Why can't people find time to play FAF tourney games?]]>
2. I don't know how it is in your clan, but I assume there isn't much social pressure to participate. Whereas in RL events with your friends (or a formal club) there is a lot of social pressure to turn up. Even something like an MMO Raiding Guild would have a lot of pressure, rules and penalties, etc.

3. Competitive scene is dead. There are players, yes. But there's not much community around the players - many other players who know them well, casual players who are spectators, commentators, etc. Once again, this means a lack of social pressure.

4. Ultimately I don't think FAF players are terribly passionate about this old game anymore, probably. Compared to addicted MMO players, etc.

Statistics: Posted by AdmiralZeech — 08 May 2017, 05:38

2017-05-08T02:29:54+02:00 2017-05-08T02:29:54+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14497&p=148066#p148066 <![CDATA[Why can't people find time to play FAF tourney games?]]> In theory it should be quite easy to do. Just look at all the real life sports events that can get people to participate.
For FAF you don't even need to leave your house!!

But as we all know this isn't the case.
I am wondering why.

Is it because a video game is meant to be fun only and having to schedule a time for you to play takes away from that fun?
Is it because FAF tourneys just aren't worth it? (but there are a bunch of minor leagues which also don't have any real prize, right?)
Is it because RL people cause some kind of incentive that can't be replicated by the virtual?
Is it because FAF people are simply lazy fucks who can't be asked to do anything?
Is it because FAF competitve scene is dead?

Are any of these the answer? Maybe a combination of some/all of them?

Statistics: Posted by KeyBlue — 08 May 2017, 02:29
