Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2017-02-23T19:31:06+02:00 /feed.php?f=39&t=14096 2017-02-23T19:31:06+02:00 2017-02-23T19:31:06+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14096&p=144118#p144118 <![CDATA[Re: Split offtopic]]>
Do as you wish.

I just don't understand why Softly get trolled yet he wanted to contribute even if this is not like you wanted it to be. He is willing to do something let it be

Statistics: Posted by dstojkov — 23 Feb 2017, 19:31

2017-02-23T19:23:43+02:00 2017-02-23T19:23:43+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14096&p=144117#p144117 <![CDATA[Re: Been writing some code]]>
dstojkov wrote:
since the beginning i am continually telling you the same stuff and yes what happen is ...

You didn't tell "me" anything.

dstojkov wrote:
who is the one that was right now ?

I know you don't realize so there's no point in telling you, but: not you.

dstojkov wrote:
You are in a leadership position and mange to ruin it !! wow

Didn't know I already ruined FAF in the past 4 weeks or so I've been software councilor. But thanks for letting me know.

dstojkov wrote:
My lobby was done in less that one year at least the back end and that has barely changed.

I like your definition of "done".
Spoiler: show

It hasn't even left beta since you started it 2.5 years ago.

dstojkov wrote:
Stuff that you not have implemented yet !!!

It's not difficult to add a feature that we don't have. And let's ignore the other 90% of features you're not yet having.

dstojkov wrote:
Don't make me laugh

Goes both ways.

I'm done wasting my time here. I could as well try to tell a deaf person that he/she is deaf - equally pointless.
But I hope that at least the "supporters" see the reality how it is. I don't mind you two wasting your time.

Please just don't waste ours.

Statistics: Posted by Downlord — 23 Feb 2017, 19:23

2017-02-23T19:22:16+02:00 2017-02-23T19:22:16+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14096&p=144116#p144116 <![CDATA[Re: Split offtopic]]> Statistics: Posted by Gorton — 23 Feb 2017, 19:22

2017-02-23T19:21:16+02:00 2017-02-23T19:21:16+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14096&p=144115#p144115 <![CDATA[Re: Split offtopic]]>
Gorton wrote:
Ok time to prune this into a separate discussion which may or may not then get axed

Why the split ? this is actually an active thread in ... OFF TOPIC :(

we exchange our point of view. Nothing wrong here

Statistics: Posted by dstojkov — 23 Feb 2017, 19:21

2017-02-23T19:11:38+02:00 2017-02-23T19:11:38+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14096&p=144113#p144113 <![CDATA[Re: Been writing some code]]> Statistics: Posted by Gorton — 23 Feb 2017, 19:11

2017-02-23T19:04:15+02:00 2017-02-23T19:04:15+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14096&p=144112#p144112 <![CDATA[Re: Been writing some code]]> The guy who afk's in lobby 24/7 and plays gap or thermo maybe once or the guy who steps up and communicates and contributes to the "community" itself?

It might be hard to see from within private slack chats but we're getting lots of group A's and not many if at all Group B's

Lets take that back to mapping, we've been losing people who bother to make them, but we don't have a lot of new people stepping up do we? can you name one person who went from a nobody last year, to someone you can list off the top of your head now?

also about dsto client remarks:faf wouldn't have many players either if it wasn't actually put online but hey honestly you just fuel his drive to work on it through hatred so more power to you

Statistics: Posted by biass — 23 Feb 2017, 19:04

2017-02-23T19:03:21+02:00 2017-02-23T19:03:21+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14096&p=144111#p144111 <![CDATA[Re: Been writing some code]]>
speed2 wrote:
And yet your lobby has amazing 0 users last few months.I've been waiting for signs of users but I'm getting only soon™ how everything will be amazing once you get some time to work on it. Good job saving the community from bad FAF which is killing FA.

Well I have 0 users since it is not online yet but even when it is online with 0 users .... Why do you care ? This argument can not make faf looks better in any way. You still have the same issues

But if you feel better by saying this well ... your welcome I have no problem with that. Actually what i am doing is giving you some advise but i guess you don't see that way. I have plenty of time i don't care after awhile every troll will be gone

Statistics: Posted by dstojkov — 23 Feb 2017, 19:03

2017-02-23T18:57:36+02:00 2017-02-23T18:57:36+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14096&p=144110#p144110 <![CDATA[Re: Been writing some code]]>
i would call that stagnant with fluctuations. this means that the retention is equal to the number of people leaving. this means faf is not dead. this also means that there is no overall trend of going up/down, so no change is enough to push more players out than usual fluctuations.

but whatever i guess this post is just gonna get ignored now since opinions > evidences.

Statistics: Posted by Exotic_Retard — 23 Feb 2017, 18:57

2017-02-23T18:51:07+02:00 2017-02-23T18:51:07+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14096&p=144109#p144109 <![CDATA[Re: Been writing some code]]> Statistics: Posted by speed2 — 23 Feb 2017, 18:51

2017-02-23T18:46:42+02:00 2017-02-23T18:46:42+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14096&p=144108#p144108 <![CDATA[Re: Been writing some code]]>
Downlord wrote:
Oh, right, and your solutions will solve the (imaginary) "player base issue" within what.. weeks? months? years? Because this 10y old game becomes more popular by the day?
And what makes you say that the, idk., 30 people we have working on all parts of the projects, don't want to contribute?

How long did you say did it take you to build your (still incomplete) web-based lobby, and how many players does it have? Sorry, I wasn't able to find the answer in your post.

Seriously. Face reality.

Like I said .. This is not personal. I didn't change my critics over the year, since the beginning i am continually telling you the same stuff and yes what happen is ... I was tagged as a troll .... Then i leaved it to time since for me you couldn't see in the long term. So guess who is the one that was right now ?

Dude i am not the one who pushed ppl to not play. And just to remember some old behavior of faf's moderator to ban ppl who didn't agree to the one way thinking .... Actually the game is more than 10 years old. And ? there is currently no real concurrent to FA. You are in a leadership position and mange to ruin it !! wow

In the other hand, the time brought me that a lot of troll of the one way thinking are gone now for good i guess they themselves didn't appreciate their own change. Funny isn't it ? Now i feel comfortable with continuing my lobby dev and encourage other people's work that want to really bring something for the future on the table.

And yes .... My lobby was done in less that one year at least the back end and that has barely changed. Stuff that you not have implemented yet !!! Don't make me laugh, i was alone with even not knowing where to start and you today you are plenty. If I could make it everyone can. Just need the will and also encouragement

Statistics: Posted by dstojkov — 23 Feb 2017, 18:46

2017-02-23T18:45:22+02:00 2017-02-23T18:45:22+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14096&p=144107#p144107 <![CDATA[Re: Been writing some code]]> Statistics: Posted by Downlord — 23 Feb 2017, 18:45

2017-02-23T18:44:29+02:00 2017-02-23T18:44:29+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14096&p=144106#p144106 <![CDATA[Re: Been writing some code]]> !): I don't expect or want to work with you (on mapping) nor do i really want to work on mapping (see 2) for moho in general anymore, when RS2 comes out im going to try my hand at mapping for unreal and
2): you have not given us any indication of anything you have created in the editor, at all. I'm not going to assume you're a god and then wait to be disappointed, you need to prove it to me first :P

Statistics: Posted by biass — 23 Feb 2017, 18:44

2017-02-23T18:41:21+02:00 2017-02-23T18:41:21+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14096&p=144105#p144105 <![CDATA[Re: Been writing some code]]>
biass wrote:
I know you're having a hard time getting it to run but "only a poor craftsman blames his tools."

EDIT: @downlord, insulting people is not gonna convince them to come work with you, face reality.

I like how you told downlord that insulting people is not a good solution to get people to "work with you" yet you have no issue calling me a poor craftsman :lol:

Statistics: Posted by Morax — 23 Feb 2017, 18:41

2017-02-23T18:47:25+02:00 2017-02-23T18:27:26+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14096&p=144104#p144104 <![CDATA[Re: Been writing some code]]>
Morax wrote:
2) Maps: Unless a new editor is developed that makes the process much MUCH more easy I don't think we will ever see any high-quality maps made for us to play. I have been trying to make a map in my limited spare time which has lead to me learning how to dodge editor crashes and bugs more than anything. Granted I'm having a lot more trouble than the norm, not many people are willing to put up with learning it like myself and others. The map vault is getting kind of dry with content and many players are not really willing to learn new ones like Tokyto's phenomenal "Funeral Plains." The community has so many Gap, Thermopylae, etc type players it's kind of a loss to try and improve here. You would have to somehow improve the taste in game-style of the population for me to feel your option would be better here.

Yeah people spend tens/hundreds of hours with little to no return or even basic acknowledgement on mapping because the editor is broken
I know you're having a hard time getting it to run but "only a poor craftsman blames his tools."

Going back to that graph, maybe the people that join in, have a look at what we have to offer and then promptly bailout are the ones with actual taste?

Spoiler: show
hav ay piketur ov ay mayp eye neveyr fynsicchd, eue cain ges wat eit ees

[EDIT: speed2: Please don't act like a moderator biass, you're not one]
[EDIT: Gorton: pm, don't reply here]

Statistics: Posted by biass — 23 Feb 2017, 18:27

2017-02-23T18:21:53+02:00 2017-02-23T18:21:53+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=14096&p=144103#p144103 <![CDATA[Re: Been writing some code]]> And what makes you say that the, idk., 10-20 people we have working on all parts of the projects, don't want to contribute?
And do you honestly think your "alternative solutions" (of which btw. we'll have two) will have more than that? That people will be jumping on them to contribute?

How long did you say did it take you to build your (still incomplete) web-based lobby, and how many players does it have? Sorry, I wasn't able to find the answer in your post.

Seriously. Face reality.

Statistics: Posted by Downlord — 23 Feb 2017, 18:21
