Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2016-11-11T18:42:09+02:00 /feed.php?f=39&t=13451 2016-11-11T18:42:09+02:00 2016-11-11T18:42:09+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=13451&p=138845#p138845 <![CDATA[Re: US Presidency and FAF Player councilorship]]> Statistics: Posted by SeraphimLeftNut — 11 Nov 2016, 18:42

2016-11-11T14:09:15+02:00 2016-11-11T14:09:15+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=13451&p=138825#p138825 <![CDATA[Re: US Presidency and FAF Player councilorship]]>

Statistics: Posted by Mel_Gibson — 11 Nov 2016, 14:09

2016-11-10T20:08:41+02:00 2016-11-10T20:08:41+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=13451&p=138791#p138791 <![CDATA[Re: US Presidency and FAF Player councilorship]]> He supports trump, that is all the information people need

Statistics: Posted by Gorton — 10 Nov 2016, 20:08

2016-11-10T20:06:24+02:00 2016-11-10T20:06:24+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=13451&p=138790#p138790 <![CDATA[Re: US Presidency and FAF Player councilorship]]>
Gorton wrote:
Edited out cancer in initial post

Moved to off-topic

The cancer in the initial post is information on how the candidate thinks and should be left there imho.

Statistics: Posted by Zoram — 10 Nov 2016, 20:06

2016-11-10T20:04:27+02:00 2016-11-10T20:04:27+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=13451&p=138789#p138789 <![CDATA[Re: US Presidency and FAF Player councilorship]]>
Moved to off-topic

Statistics: Posted by Gorton — 10 Nov 2016, 20:04

2016-11-10T19:57:07+02:00 2016-11-10T19:57:07+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=13451&p=138786#p138786 <![CDATA[Re: US Presidency and FAF Player councilorship]]> Statistics: Posted by zeroAPM — 10 Nov 2016, 19:57

2016-11-10T16:39:15+02:00 2016-11-10T16:39:15+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=13451&p=138775#p138775 <![CDATA[Re: US Presidency and FAF Player councilorship]]>
biass wrote:
Okay, I granted you actually did some "research", nice

And now i ask you again, why do you not want the US and the RU to cooperate? Because they are not a "democracy" ?
(you can tell, i get bored, our opinions will not change, its just one of us is going to get annoyed)

That is also not the point. You are deliberately trying to shift points and make huge demands of proof.

I think the politics towards Russia were and are a mistake. Fallen superpowers are prone to falling for nostalgia and delusions of grandeur when their nationalism is pushed. The Nato and EU tried to push clearly into Russian core interests.

I am not even saying that pluralistic democracy is the right way to handle things for Russia! A country that vast, diverse and unstable might collapse if everyone is allowed to voice their separatist thoughts. The economic sanctions and the free-fall of the Russian economy are actually really dangerous. Should Putin die one day, there might be a huge power vacuum. The poorer and politically isolated the country, the more unstable it will become in a succession crisis.

That is besides the point though.

The point is, that Trump is anti pluralistic democracy as Putin is. Or Erdogan for that matter. And that pluralistic democracy is the core value and difference in the west. It is one of the reasons for our prosperity and one of the reasons things run so well here.

Mad`Mozart wrote:
Poor guy Hodorkovsky, he done no wrong, why would someone put him in prison?

Someone here is clearly a mass media victim :)
SeraphimLeftNut wrote:

You are victims of putin's propaganda. Who is right? The media where all viewpoints are somewhat equally looked at or the media where people with differing viewpoints just disappear?

Statistics: Posted by SpoCk0nd0pe — 10 Nov 2016, 16:39

2016-11-10T08:21:12+02:00 2016-11-10T08:21:12+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=13451&p=138756#p138756 <![CDATA[Re: US Presidency and FAF Player councilorship]]>

Statistics: Posted by SeraphimLeftNut — 10 Nov 2016, 08:21

2016-11-10T05:47:22+02:00 2016-11-10T05:47:22+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=13451&p=138753#p138753 <![CDATA[Re: US Presidency and FAF Player councilorship]]>
Someone here is clearly a mass media victim :)

Statistics: Posted by Mad`Mozart — 10 Nov 2016, 05:47

2016-11-10T05:22:33+02:00 2016-11-10T05:22:33+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=13451&p=138752#p138752 <![CDATA[Re: US Presidency and FAF Player councilorship]]>
And now i ask you again, why do you not want the US and the RU to cooperate? Because they are not a "democracy" ?
(you can tell, i get bored, our opinions will not change, its just one of us is going to get annoyed)

Statistics: Posted by biass — 10 Nov 2016, 05:22

2016-11-10T05:08:57+02:00 2016-11-10T05:08:57+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=13451&p=138751#p138751 <![CDATA[Re: US Presidency and FAF Player councilorship]]>
biass wrote:
Ah yes the "putin hates the gays"

enjoy my dude

Yet people used the laws as an invitation to batter homosexuals and post videos online. Nicely done!

Some more evidence of the pluralistic democracy of russia:

"In 2013 Russia ranked 148th out of 179 countries in the Press Freedom Index from Reporters Without Borders."

Russia is in no way pluralistic, it is not even a democracy.

I rest my case.

Statistics: Posted by SpoCk0nd0pe — 10 Nov 2016, 05:08

2016-11-10T04:21:19+02:00 2016-11-10T04:21:19+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=13451&p=138747#p138747 <![CDATA[Re: US Presidency and FAF Player councilorship]]>

enjoy my dude

Statistics: Posted by biass — 10 Nov 2016, 04:21

2016-11-10T04:19:47+02:00 2016-11-10T04:19:47+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=13451&p=138746#p138746 <![CDATA[Re: US Presidency and FAF Player councilorship]]>
biass wrote:
Ok, and how is the Skinhead movement related to putin?

I posted it to disprove this point:
biass wrote:
I am saying all of these people live together and coexist yet you're trying to tell me no? on no evidence whatsoever?

Putin still has a negative influence because he does nothing to stop those people. He actually kind of sanctioned hate against homosexuals, closed agencies like Amnesty International and imprisoned people like Chodorkovsky and Nemzow.

Statistics: Posted by SpoCk0nd0pe — 10 Nov 2016, 04:19

2016-11-10T04:07:19+02:00 2016-11-10T04:07:19+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=13451&p=138745#p138745 <![CDATA[Re: US Presidency and FAF Player councilorship]]> Statistics: Posted by biass — 10 Nov 2016, 04:07

2016-11-10T04:02:00+02:00 2016-11-10T04:02:00+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=13451&p=138743#p138743 <![CDATA[Re: US Presidency and FAF Player councilorship]]>
biass wrote:
Im not sure "the newspaper" counts as a primary source

Thus, i continue to wait

It is not exactly a primary source, but it shows primary sources in them.

Statistics: Posted by SpoCk0nd0pe — 10 Nov 2016, 04:02
