AttackInitialSpawnRate = 1.4, #mass/sec equivolent
AttackSpawnTechMultiplier = 1.5, #multiplier based on tech level
AttackAdditionalspawnRate = 0.01, #additional mass/sec equivolent reinforcements per kill
CivilianStructureStartingHealth = 4000,
CivilianStructureEvacTime = 2, #seconds for 1 civilian to get from building to truck
CivilianStructureCapacity = 20, #number of points it's worth to kill
CivilianTruckCapacity = 10, #number of civilian passengers a truck can carry
CivilianTruckEvacTime = 20, #seconds for a civilian truck to complete warping off-planet
DefenseBecauseEvacuationDelay = 10, #the defense beacon evacs trucks once every this number of seconds
RespawnDelayTime = 10, #number of seconds your army is stunned after teleporting away from a killing blow
MandatoryMustSurviveFactor = 0.8, #in an even game, how many civilians must survive per civilian that started
DefenderIncomePerEvacMass = 0.05, #how much mass income the defenders gets per civilian evacuated
DefenderIncomePerEvacEnergy = 0.5, #how much energy income the defenders gets per civilian evacuated
Statistics: Posted by FunkOff — 26 May 2013, 06:16