Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2012-08-17T20:08:57+02:00 /feed.php?f=37&t=1721 2012-08-17T20:08:57+02:00 2012-08-17T20:08:57+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=1721&p=18153#p18153 <![CDATA[Idea to have interesting late games.]]>
(I am talking about games without reveal or whith restrictive reveal)


Why I dont like late game in phantom X ?

Because no one mooves. Each innos thinks "we are four, why should I be the one to attack ? Just wait that one dies and if he is inno, we kill his opponent", the phantoms " THEY are four, we have no chance if we attack now". Then we have very long games, innos getting angry after "coward" phantoms. People often have to go afk during the game, sometimes there are even desyncs.

Why no one mooves ?

Main reason : The phantom bonus is most productive at the begining of the game, it allows phantoms to be at the top level of tech (which is A LOT better than the precedent) sooner than innos. But once everybody has fully developed bases, phantoms bonus are trounced by innos total income and phantoms have no chance to win by a direct confrontation against innos.Even in a 1v1 against an inno in good shape, the phantom is not sure to win.. Or they die, or they play sneak. If they play sneak, there is no way to know who is who and the game stalls. The problem also occured in phantom N, not only since the pala introduction.

But a reveal to "paladin only" solves the problem ?

I dont think so (Read what follows only if you dont trust me : this is boring).
At some point of the game, the paladin will say the phantom names (A and B). Then, there are 5 situations :

- If neither A or B claim to be the paladin, innos will be sure A and B are the phantoms and kill them.
- If A says he is the paladin and accuses the true paladin and B, innos will be sure B is phantom and kill him. Then probably a paldin vs A fight and the 3 innos kill what remains of A if he survived against the pala.
- If A says he is the paladin and accuses 2 innos (who are not the paladin), it would means the true paladin is right and A and B are phantoms.
- If A says he is the paladin and accuses the Paladin and one inno : it would means that the 2 personns whose names has not been sayed are 100% innos, then the true paladin and the accused inno just have to help them building games ender.
- If A and B claim to be the paladin this is the same that 4th situation if they accuse both the paladin and the same inno. (if they accuse the paladin and each one a different inno OR two innos, that prooves the true paladin is right.If they accuse the paladin and each other, that means 3 innos 100% innocented. If only A accuses an inno while being accused by B, he is dead.)

In the 5 situations, phantoms have very very^10k hight chances to DIE in late game if players do logical choices : It does not solve the problem, it just complicates it^^.

Then, what would be the solution to have interesting late games ?

My idea : Each player would have a little box to tick (or so) and if 4 players ticked it, it would enable the "total war" (or whatever..) which would reveal both phantoms and give them a huge (really huge, like a 150% or 200%, ress bonus).
It would give an option to unlock the game without killing the phantoms. More adrenaline for the innos who would not just sit and wait for the reveal timer or an attack which wont come and for the phantoms who would feel threatened at every second. Also it gives again a small interest to the diplomatic aspect of the mod and gives an alternative to the t4 rush contest!
(We could imagine more sophisticated versions wich would make the innos vote for who is the phantom and then modulates the extra phantom bonus considering how much the phantoms have been spoted.)

Interesting ? Realistic ? faisable ? (My english is too bad and you did not understand anything ?^^) ..

Statistics: Posted by Harpagon — 17 Aug 2012, 20:08
