Zep, when you get a chance, please update the Phantom X mod with the code below. Thanks.
Changes in v1.7
1: Reduced Phantom bonus while at war.
New bonus table (old values in parentheses)
- Code:
Phantom Count Allied Mixed Enemies
1 20% 24% (25%) 28% (30%)
2 10% 14% (15%) 18% (20%)
3 8% 10% 14% (15%)
2: Changed mod code so that when one Phantom dies, the new number of Phantoms will be used for calculating bonuses. For example, if there were three Phantoms and all were at war with all innocents then their bonus would be 14% (see above table). If one is killed, the remaining two Phantoms will now receive an 18% bonus (see above table). If a second Phantom is killed, the remaining Phantom will receive a 28% bonus.
3: At assignment, Phantoms now receive a special mass and energy storage building. The building stores 50,000 mass and 300,000 energy. The building is spawned off of the map, so it should not be possible to see it or attack it. If anyone finds or knows of a way to exploit the existence of this structure (i.e. to determine who the Phantoms are), please let me know.
4: Added Paladin players. Paladins are "super innocents" that get a configurable percentage of the phantom bonus. Paladins have the same goal as regular innocents. The Paladin assignment is made at the same time as phantom assignments (8 minutes in). No one else will know (including the other Paladin) who the Paladins are, so Paladins will need to be careful or they will look a lot like the Phantoms. Paladins are assigned based on how many phantoms there are.
5: Added The following Lobbly Options
Reveal To
-Available choices will be Everyone, Phantoms, Paladins, and Phantoms and Paladins.
-This option controls which types of players will get to see reveal messages.
Reveal Who
-Available choices will be Phantoms, Paladins, and Phantoms and Paladins.
-This option control which types of players will be revealed.
Global Bonus Adjustment
-Available options will be 80%, 90%, 100%, 110%, and 120%.
-This option allows the host to tweak the phantom bonus amounts accross the board.
Paladin Ratio
-Available options range from no paladins to one to one (i.e. one paladin for every phantom)
-Essentially, this option controls how many Paladins will be assigned.
Paladin Bonus
-Available choices are 25%, 35%, 45%, 55%, and 65%.
-This option allows the host to set the Paladin bonus (as a percentage of the Phantom Bonus).
6: Removed texture files for mass and energy storage units to reduce mod size. As far as I know, there's really no need to have these within the mod file. Taking them out reduces the mod file size from 2.6 mBytes to 0.1 mBytes.
phantomx.zipStatistics: Posted by Duck_42 — 11 Aug 2012, 04:08