noobymcnoobcake wrote:
Also phantom reveal time should not be cumulative. It should also be the total time showed. For instance if it said 15 min then it should show 15 mins into the game not 15+8. For second and third phantoms it should be exactly the same, not adding on the first phantom time. there should be longer time options added because of this.
Actually, it's really programmers choice.
The mod was originally designed to be declare time (8 minutes) + reveal time. The lobby descriptions for the phantom 2 reveal time and phantom 3 reveal time clearly say they are cumlative. Rearranging the UI means rewriting and tweaking several code sections (it's not just a simple math change). As long as one can do some quick math, one can figure out the appropriate settings to use.
However, I see two points in what you're requesting that may need to be fixed.
1. Description for option 1 needs to say that it's the time after declare (i.e. 8 min + reveal time)
2. One can't reveal multiple phantoms at the same time.
I'll add those to my todo list to look at.Statistics: Posted by Duck_42 — 08 Jun 2012, 13:24