Full description: This idea is derived from
secrethitler and thus it maybe useful to read how that works to better understand my intention.
Every X time someone will be assigned as Prosecutor. This can be done randomly or in order. The Prosecutor chooses a player that he think he can trust, he will be the Defender. Next the Prosecutor picks 1-2 players as possible traitors. Nobody knows who he picked, except the Defender. He has to pick 1 of them to be "Prosecuted" and as such "Defends" the other player. Then the game signals if a traitor was found or not. And the discussion can begin.
Intended results: Using this method people can find who is a traitor and who isn't by deducing the received information and peoples behaviour.
Conflicts can arise when a Normal is Prosecutor and a Traitor is Defender or visa versa. Lies about who was prosecuted and who defended.
Two traitors can falsely accuse whoever they want.
Two Normals can find the answers to their questions.
Synergy with other suggestions: Traitors should probably know eachother for easy manipulation, but isn't required (option in lobby?).
Doesn't work with the other suggestions for information as it already can be a good source of information.