Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2012-08-24T01:10:38+02:00 /feed.php?f=36&t=1355 2012-08-24T01:10:38+02:00 2012-08-24T01:10:38+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=1355&p=18587#p18587 <![CDATA[Re: Report bugs here.]]>
Ze_PilOt wrote:
Doompants wrote:Last night (Aug 20) I had several T2 cybran subs (personal stealth) that were getting shot at and destroyed by cybran destroyers, even though when I watched the replay they were out of visual range ... Is this similar to what BenDover was posting about, or do you want to see a replay?

No it was fixed. It was with the Balance mod ?

No, this was with published 3619, no mod. So if you fixed it the next day, never mind. Old news. :) I'll try to recreate what I saw, and if it still acts screwy, I'll follow up.

Statistics: Posted by Doompants — 24 Aug 2012, 01:10

2012-08-22T20:44:24+02:00 2012-08-22T20:44:24+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=1355&p=18507#p18507 <![CDATA[Re: Report bugs here.]]>
Doompants wrote:
Ze_PilOt wrote:My bad.. Used "Water" instead of "Seabed"...

Last night (Aug 20) I had several T2 cybran subs (personal stealth) that were getting shot at and destroyed by cybran destroyers, even though when I watched the replay they were out of visual range (and of course, since they're stealthed, shouldn't be showing up when in non-omni sonar range). Is this similar to what BenDover was posting about, or do you want to see a replay?

No it was fixed. It was with the Balance mod ?

Statistics: Posted by Ze_PilOt — 22 Aug 2012, 20:44

2012-08-22T11:22:37+02:00 2012-08-22T11:22:37+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=1355&p=18458#p18458 <![CDATA[Re: Report bugs here.]]> Statistics: Posted by pip — 22 Aug 2012, 11:22

2012-08-22T01:57:14+02:00 2012-08-22T01:57:14+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=1355&p=18435#p18435 <![CDATA[Re: Report bugs here.]]>
Ze_PilOt wrote:
My bad.. Used "Water" instead of "Seabed"...

Last night (Aug 20) I had several T2 cybran subs (personal stealth) that were getting shot at and destroyed by cybran destroyers, even though when I watched the replay they were out of visual range (and of course, since they're stealthed, shouldn't be showing up when in non-omni sonar range). Is this similar to what BenDover was posting about, or do you want to see a replay?

Statistics: Posted by Doompants — 22 Aug 2012, 01:57

2012-08-01T10:18:35+02:00 2012-08-01T10:18:35+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=1355&p=16863#p16863 <![CDATA[Re: Report bugs here.]]>
This is not easy to replicate, since often,the load order make the ACU change his move order so that it will stop when the Transport lifts it, but sometimes, the transport loads the ACU before it is stopped, and that's where the bug occurs.

Statistics: Posted by pip — 01 Aug 2012, 10:18

2012-07-31T22:53:29+02:00 2012-07-31T22:53:29+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=1355&p=16836#p16836 <![CDATA[Re: Report bugs here.]]> Statistics: Posted by Ze_PilOt — 31 Jul 2012, 22:53

2012-07-31T21:44:09+02:00 2012-07-31T21:44:09+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=1355&p=16831#p16831 <![CDATA[Re: Report bugs here.]]>

ed. ml also dies

ed2. i just tried ythotha underwater with stealth boat cloaking it and it still died so the problem is with units that are submerged its not important where they get their stealth from and also only torpedo bombers are bugged same thing wont work for destroyers

Statistics: Posted by BenDover — 31 Jul 2012, 21:44

2012-07-31T21:07:07+02:00 2012-07-31T21:07:07+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=1355&p=16826#p16826 <![CDATA[Re: Report bugs here.]]> Statistics: Posted by Ze_PilOt — 31 Jul 2012, 21:07

2012-07-31T15:08:56+02:00 2012-07-31T15:08:56+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=1355&p=16771#p16771 <![CDATA[Re: Report bugs here.]]> Statistics: Posted by BenDover — 31 Jul 2012, 15:08

2012-07-31T15:06:18+02:00 2012-07-31T15:06:18+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=1355&p=16770#p16770 <![CDATA[Re: Report bugs here.]]>
I'm pretty sure they are excluded from all the changes.

I will see what I can do about it, but I'm not sure they are triggering the necessary functions for the system to work.

For the building, yes it's intended : A building don't move, so a scouted building will stay here.
What shouldn't be updated his is state (ie icon going darker if destroyed).

Statistics: Posted by Ze_PilOt — 31 Jul 2012, 15:06

2012-07-31T15:08:04+02:00 2012-07-31T15:03:32+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=1355&p=16767#p16767 <![CDATA[Re: Report bugs here.]]>

and whats going on:

i spawn 2 paragons for me and civilian so the stealth works

i spawn 8 destroyers and omni for me and counter intelligence boat for civilian and turn its stealth on.
i use omni to send 8 destroyers to attack the stealth boat and then turn off omni and the bug occurs - 4 destroyers are still on their way to the target (the other 4 lose lock and hold position) they finally get in range and destroy it.

i do the same test for land with monkey lord and bombers this time 6 bombers for me and monkey lord with stealth on for civilian - again same thing after turning off the omni 3 bombers lose lock but the other 3 continue to attack, one of them lost lock when dropped its bomb but locked again when the other two bomber went in the line of sight and then again one of them lost lock etc. (at least thats how i saw it maybe im wrong)

then i send all the destroyers to kill ML with omni on and again after turning off the omni half of them holds position but the other half continues to attack.

also works with torpedo bombers and other units.

from what ive observed so far half of the units that are closest to the target ignore the omni and continue to destroy their target.

BTW. land stealth field generator once scouted can be targeted and destroyed even without line of sight or omni (just like regular buildings it doesnt disappear from map, but units around it do) dont know if its intended or a bug

Statistics: Posted by BenDover — 31 Jul 2012, 15:03

2012-07-30T19:38:54+02:00 2012-07-30T19:38:54+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=1355&p=16718#p16718 <![CDATA[Re: Report bugs here.]]>
@Dili, it's only because you should have won the release tourney that I scolded you! I have only love for the XBX guys!

Reporting a half bug here since it's difficult to know if this was a typo or not:

T3 strategic subs had their energy cost set to 800 000 in 3603 whereas the Seraphim Battleship has kept a normal cost, even though it also has two roles : battleship + nuke launcher.
I believe the upped cost was supposed to be 80 000 (from the 66 000 they costed before), because nuke launchers themselves have a cost of 210 000 energy, not 800 000, and Strategic subs take more time to build nukes, not less.

I already reported it in the balance discussion thread, but I do think it's a bug / typo, and that it should be fixed, especially so that Cybran can actually build this great secret unit again.

Statistics: Posted by pip — 30 Jul 2012, 19:38

2012-07-30T18:46:39+02:00 2012-07-30T18:46:39+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=1355&p=16715#p16715 <![CDATA[Re: Report bugs here.]]>
DilliDalli wrote:
As much as I would like to take lots of credit for being a help I really don't feel like I do enough to deserve it all.

As you can see by reading this thread, players willing to spend some time testing things and finding bugs are very rare, but very valuable (it make our job easier as we just have too make changes, reload the replay, and see if it's fixed).

Statistics: Posted by Ze_PilOt — 30 Jul 2012, 18:46

2012-07-30T18:03:05+02:00 2012-07-30T18:03:05+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=1355&p=16714#p16714 <![CDATA[Re: Report bugs here.]]>
Ze_PilOt wrote:
Yeps, pip and you are really useful for helping us doing the right things.

FunkOff wrote:
Thank you

As much as I would like to take lots of credit for being a help I really don't feel like I do enough to deserve it all. Pip is a bit of a hero though, even if he likes to berate me when I lose :)

Statistics: Posted by Softly — 30 Jul 2012, 18:03

2012-07-30T17:58:51+02:00 2012-07-30T17:58:51+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=1355&p=16712#p16712 <![CDATA[Re: Report bugs here.]]> Statistics: Posted by Ze_PilOt — 30 Jul 2012, 17:58
