]]>2015-04-13T17:10:09+02:002015-04-13T17:10:09+02:00/viewtopic.php?t=9786&p=98371#p98371 This should be getting its fix published today, but in the meantime try it with fixed spawns. It's possible the murder party mod is setting the random spawns as part of its function (it's not one I'm familiar with), in which case you're fucked. Worth a go.
Statistics: Posted by ckitching — 13 Apr 2015, 17:10
]]>2015-04-13T16:49:33+02:002015-04-13T16:49:33+02:00/viewtopic.php?t=9786&p=98369#p98369 I am not sure if this is enough information for you to start with, but ask any question and i'll try to answer it. The bug is new since the new lobby came out.