I'm on a french installation of SCFA so every save/replay/etc used with vanilla SCFA goes to this personal folder :
%My Documents Directory%\Mes Parties\Gas Powered Games\Supreme Commander Forged Alliance
With FAF, it uses an "english" one :
%My Documents Directory%\My Games\Gas Powered Games\Supreme Commander Forged Alliance
In both vanilla SCFA or FAF-patched-SCFA, in the Replay menu, I can only see the replays in my former directory "...\Mes Parties\...". So it's not quite convenient, as I have to move my FAF replays into this french folder before being able to see/watch them.
The best for me would be to remove the "Mes Parties" and use only "My Games" (as I have other games that SCFA in "My Games", whereas vanilla SCFA alone in "Mes Parties").
I search registry and Game.prefs, but no configuration parameter found for this.
How can I solve that ?
By the way, great job with FAF.
MaxStatistics: Posted by maxpower — 08 Mar 2012, 11:27