Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2019-11-24T08:59:52+02:00 /feed.php?f=3&t=18438 2019-11-24T08:59:52+02:00 2019-11-24T08:59:52+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=18438&p=179941#p179941 <![CDATA[Re: Major Login Issues]]>
just log in with your acc named Masuke
if you cannot remember your pw then you can reset that at

Statistics: Posted by PhilipJFry — 24 Nov 2019, 08:59

2019-11-24T01:30:34+02:00 2019-11-24T01:30:34+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=18438&p=179939#p179939 <![CDATA[Major Login Issues]]>
I used to play this game, but ever since I could not figure out how to log in. I believe I played under the name Masuke, but I changed my username login to mazook. When I use mazook, it tells me I need to link my steam account, which I've already done. So I attempt to "relink" to my steam I get the error "You linked this account already to user with name 'Masuke'." But that is not my username anymore, so I feel like I am stuck in an endless cycle.

Anyways, if there is a way for you to delete my account so I can rejoin, that would be great. I just want to hop on and play like the good ol days, but these login issues are such a turn-off.

Let me know what you think.

Statistics: Posted by PileFlo — 24 Nov 2019, 01:30
