Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2019-10-03T12:52:32+02:00 /feed.php?f=3&t=18221 2019-10-03T12:52:32+02:00 2019-10-03T12:52:32+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=18221&p=178692#p178692 <![CDATA[Re: "Connecting..." stuck forever]]>
I changed my motherboard. When Windows initially started it failed to install proper driver for network adapter, so it created something like WIndows Loopback Adapter (obviously it couldn't connect to internet). When I've installed proper driver everything started working, but that Loopback Adapter remained active (I didn't even know about it). I've just deleted it from device manager and ICE adapter started connecting successfully.
Probably that Loopback Adapter was the first in some sort of adapter list and ICE adapter uses the first one from that list or something like that.

Statistics: Posted by VanGobot — 03 Oct 2019, 12:52

2019-10-02T22:50:21+02:00 2019-10-02T22:50:21+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=18221&p=178682#p178682 <![CDATA[Re: "Connecting..." stuck forever]]> Statistics: Posted by VanGobot — 02 Oct 2019, 22:50

2019-10-02T21:48:20+02:00 2019-10-02T21:48:20+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=18221&p=178681#p178681 <![CDATA[Re: "Connecting..." stuck forever]]>
java.util.concurrent.CompletionException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to bind even a single host candidate for component:Component id=1 parent stream=faData
no local candidates.
no remote candidates. preferredPort=6404 minPort=6112 maxPort=7112 foundAtLeastOneUsableInterface=false foundAtLeastOneUsableAddress=false

According to your log, this get's thrown: ... .java#L436

That means it's not finding a single network interface while harvesting/gathering that is not loopback, that is up and that is allowed to be used that it can bind a socket to. (line 331-432: ... .java#L331, you could try running that code in a debugger on your machine to find out why it doesn't work)

Don't ask me how to fix that though, nothing I can do about that / no way to investigate that for me. It's a problem with your network configuration (on your machine). Could be an issue with network adapters, your antivirus or your operating system.

Statistics: Posted by Geosearchef — 02 Oct 2019, 21:48

2019-10-02T19:43:57+02:00 2019-10-02T19:43:57+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=18221&p=178673#p178673 <![CDATA["Connecting..." stuck forever]]>
Does anyone know what is the problem? Thanks

Some errors in ICE Adapter log like following (maybe this can tell something):

They are in attachment. Forum does not let me post them in text. ice-adapter.log
Just in case faf client log downlords-faf-client.log

Statistics: Posted by VanGobot — 02 Oct 2019, 19:43
