Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2019-09-05T13:59:06+02:00 /feed.php?f=3&t=18040 2019-09-05T13:59:06+02:00 2019-09-05T13:59:06+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=18040&p=177841#p177841 <![CDATA[Re: FAF Client uses extreme amounts of CPU]]> 16: either instacrash on startup or infinite (?) loading time on startup
64: doesn't terminate, but the client is unresponsive as soon as it starts

Statistics: Posted by Rikai — 05 Sep 2019, 13:59

2019-09-05T13:45:16+02:00 2019-09-05T13:45:16+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=18040&p=177840#p177840 <![CDATA[Re: FAF Client uses extreme amounts of CPU]]> Statistics: Posted by Katharsas — 05 Sep 2019, 13:45

2019-09-05T13:43:55+02:00 2019-09-05T13:43:55+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=18040&p=177839#p177839 <![CDATA[Re: FAF Client uses extreme amounts of CPU]]> Statistics: Posted by Rikai — 05 Sep 2019, 13:43

2019-09-05T13:38:51+02:00 2019-09-05T13:38:51+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=18040&p=177837#p177837 <![CDATA[Re: FAF Client uses extreme amounts of CPU]]> Statistics: Posted by Katharsas — 05 Sep 2019, 13:38

2019-09-05T10:44:28+02:00 2019-09-05T10:44:28+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=18040&p=177832#p177832 <![CDATA[Re: FAF Client uses extreme amounts of CPU]]>
axel12 wrote:
probably some Ui is not cleared up and builds up in the background

Would that UI buildup not lead to a slow buildup of CPU load?
Instead we have a sudden spike that stays at around 100% for a random amount of time. (At the time of opening the thread, I thought it would never go away. was about 10 minutes before I lost my nerve and closed the client. At the next time, it suddenly vanished after maybe 3-5 minutes.)

Statistics: Posted by Rikai — 05 Sep 2019, 10:44

2019-09-05T10:39:03+02:00 2019-09-05T10:39:03+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=18040&p=177830#p177830 <![CDATA[Re: FAF Client uses extreme amounts of CPU]]> Aside from that, the bug only happened outside of ladder search so far. Ingame or while doing normal PC stuff. Not while searching.

Statistics: Posted by Rikai — 05 Sep 2019, 10:39

2019-09-04T18:53:32+02:00 2019-09-04T18:53:32+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=18040&p=177810#p177810 <![CDATA[Re: FAF Client uses extreme amounts of CPU]]> Statistics: Posted by Katharsas — 04 Sep 2019, 18:53

2019-09-04T15:42:01+02:00 2019-09-04T15:42:01+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=18040&p=177796#p177796 <![CDATA[Re: FAF Client uses extreme amounts of CPU]]> Statistics: Posted by Rikai — 04 Sep 2019, 15:42

2019-09-04T08:20:01+02:00 2019-09-04T08:20:01+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=18040&p=177787#p177787 <![CDATA[Re: FAF Client uses extreme amounts of CPU]]> Did you use the "Table" view or the "Tiles" option in Play tab in 0.10.7 ?

Statistics: Posted by Katharsas — 04 Sep 2019, 08:20

2019-09-03T21:06:02+02:00 2019-09-03T21:06:02+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=18040&p=177763#p177763 <![CDATA[Re: FAF Client uses extreme amounts of CPU]]> Statistics: Posted by axel12 — 03 Sep 2019, 21:06

2019-09-03T21:03:49+02:00 2019-09-03T21:03:49+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=18040&p=177762#p177762 <![CDATA[Re: FAF Client uses extreme amounts of CPU]]>
I know I also notice that this happens in RC7 and release is hold back for that reason...

Statistics: Posted by axel12 — 03 Sep 2019, 21:03

2019-09-03T20:46:36+02:00 2019-09-03T20:46:36+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=18040&p=177760#p177760 <![CDATA[Re: FAF Client uses extreme amounts of CPU]]>

If I had been ingame, I would have been disconnected, since the game cannot operate without the client being open.

The ice adapter will keep running when the client crashes (unless it sends a termination request to the adapter will crashing).

Your issue is being investigated.

Statistics: Posted by Geosearchef — 03 Sep 2019, 20:46

2019-09-03T19:17:39+02:00 2019-09-03T19:17:39+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=18040&p=177755#p177755 <![CDATA[Re: FAF Client uses extreme amounts of CPU]]> It got worse. And stuff building up is not the cause!

I'm currently using the RC7 of the soon-to-be-released 1.0.0 update. (So a different version than in the original post)

I just had an episode where I noticed my PC running weirdly slow for no reason. I suspected the faf client. Which indeed was the cause.

Then something new happened: After around 3 minutes or so of slowdown, the CPU load suddenly vanished:


I kept the client open. It still used an absurd amount of RAM (863mb).
Then, after another 3 minutes of everything running fine, the CPU load spiked again.

I watched it in Taskmanger for a couple of seconds (maybe 15 seconds). Then the spike was gone again.
Because the client just crashed.
It terminated without error message. If I had been ingame, I would have been disconnected, since the game cannot operate without the client being open.


Since "fine" and "broken" switched in a matter of minutes between 98% CPU load and 0% load, I can deduce that "stuff building up in the background" (as Gorton suggested) is not the case.

Clanmates suggested a reinstall. Problem is: That is already a reinstall. I Installed the RC7 to a different SSD than the 0.10.7.
So reinstalling the client is proven to not solve anything.

Here is another downlords-faf-client.log:

Statistics: Posted by Rikai — 03 Sep 2019, 19:17

2019-08-29T22:34:30+02:00 2019-08-29T22:34:30+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=18040&p=177639#p177639 <![CDATA[FAF Client uses extreme amounts of CPU]]> I was wondering what is happening, because this happens occasionally.

While ingame, the taskmanager was still unsuspicious. But when I looked at it again after the game, I found that the downlord's client is using 90-100% cpu.

Closing the client "solved" the problem, as expected. But since I experience this occasionally I wanna get to the root of the Problem.
The client was running for around 10 hours at the time that the bug occurred. PC for the same amount of time.
downlords-faf-client.log ... t.log?dl=1


Downlords Client

Taskmanager Screenshots: ... 5.png?dl=0 ... 2.png?dl=0

System Specs:
Ryzen 3 1200
8 Gigs of RAM DDR4
Geforce 1060
Mainboard Asus B350M

Statistics: Posted by Rikai — 29 Aug 2019, 22:34
