Forged Alliance ForeverForged Alliance Forever Forums2019-09-12T00:33:50+02:00/feed.php?f=3&t=180352019-09-12T00:33:50+02:002019-09-12T00:33:50+02:00/viewtopic.php?t=18035&p=178155#p178155(i usually lost connection to ppl.)
Statistics: Posted by pchelka — 12 Sep 2019, 00:33
Pls pm/notify me if you reply, our zulip RSS bot sadly doesn't trigger yet on updates in existing topics.
Statistics: Posted by Geosearchef — 09 Sep 2019, 00:11
]]>2019-09-08T18:38:26+02:002019-09-08T18:38:26+02:00/viewtopic.php?t=18035&p=178006#p178006 I am still experiencing these problems. Is there anyone that can help me?
It's always merely me that has issues with some arbitrary other player. And we generally do not reconnect afterwards.
]]>2019-08-29T12:45:20+02:002019-08-29T12:45:20+02:00/viewtopic.php?t=18035&p=177623#p177623Statistics: Posted by Geosearchef — 29 Aug 2019, 12:45
]]>2019-08-29T13:53:49+02:002019-08-29T11:50:15+02:00/viewtopic.php?t=18035&p=177621#p177621 Recently I've been having some connectivity issues. This happens primarily during the game but also when trying to connect initially into a lobby.
The problem that I have is that I lose connection to (generally) one or two player(s), causing the entire game to 'wait'. In the end, we do not manage to reconnect and I therefore have to leave the game. This started quite recently, two - three weeks ago it was all good. Now, it seems to be happening every single game.
I've taken a look at: Generally, my ping is 100% stable. Until I start playing a FaF game. Then there are a few 200 - 400 ms spikes, which seem to relate to when I lose connection to another player. But I am unsure if this is really the case.
As far as I can see, I appear to be the sole person having these kind of troubles. Therefore it's probably related to me. I was hoping someone knows a few things I can try to improve the situation.
A lot of people in FaF tend to think my CPU may have an involvement here, I disagree. But in case it does: it's a AMD Phenom 1055T. (Yeah, I tend to get ejected for my CPU rating.)
Some other information: I tend to write my own (UI) mods. Even when all the mods are turned off, it still happens.