Test-NetConnection lobby.faforever.com -port 8001
So it seems likely that our firewall does in fact (silently) block outgoing traffic destined for port 8001. 15000 is also blocked for us. Outgoing rules are a thing and I don't think we can justify opening ports on the company firewall for FAF.
It would be really great if the FAF server could have a secondary port binding; one that is very likely to work for everyone, such as a Steam port (27015-27030), but I know this won't be a problem for most people with out-of-the-box home routers so I suppose it's a low priority for dev effort.
I'll try to figure out an alternative for myself. Might look into hosting my own little FAF server for office games. However it's really weird that it worked before in the old client and doesn't now.
Thanks again for your input Geosearchef.Statistics: Posted by dananski — 15 May 2019, 02:19