It worked! Enabling the "Build Mode" will make it possible to queue the build templates. Though sadly when I am not in the build mode, it doesn't work. This function (having to be in Build Mode to assign hotkeys to templates) is really hidden imo, I probably would have never found out about this, since I am using “B” has a hotkey for something else
I also HAVE to be on the “template” section of the interface for it to work. That means the hotkeys I assigned will not work when I am on the T1-T4 section of the selection interface for the units (I tested everything with a new Game.pref file). When I am not in the “template” section and hit the hotkey, I just get instantly booted out of Build Mode. So, the function as of itself is present, though imo it is really hidden and seems buggy.
Should I post about this on Github perhaps? It seems like a function that could be useful in general, though I don’t have any background with coding Statistics: Posted by ____ — 02 Dec 2018, 12:55