here they are:
[umode: NickServ->001QATCTR]+r
NickServ: You are already identified.
Keravnos UB1 Champy UnimPortentOne SLD Elias1944 Mr_J BadGamer1007 colonel_rambo Personne arbijter IanGragos BloodyButcher Scratch2 RJ_Lan BlueTigerKevin Mr_Death Lord_khorn Violence Tenuki BLACKNOTE FieryMadonna LinKStarS DanComms OttomanEmpire Bam_BE rusoaica BIT_Chess Megatron219 BuckeyeNoah lenivc mojojojo7890 alienbunny JuliusDedekind hannfyren sunbird hornyRobot bobajap BrasidasBlack Kreator1 Okpuck TheBlackWolf
Noxon CoolSkull omnicognate csoller kambit PenisusPrime shootermacgavin Dnepr LastDragon BattleMachine Angel_Rex MexicanTaco Balthazar10 TehKrak3n AchievedJaguar8 Munk themis Sockenheld SuperWeapons2770 Abakumoff Twat Dillinger606 KhanNoonienSingh compact Dragst BokiVTS Skamiplan speed2 blisteringsands @BlackSiN randompreson Karl Ziego Rain64 ronybeck Navarion zizg62 Qushix MostlyHarmless42 kolynstrong Hastemir
J0sh Purple_Haze Dakoth TIME_STRIKER__ TwoFace76 hs_jo_be_ki yalugin Gregoxer30 elwood dys4ik Lainelas glazinagent Mindsaver KaPatly333 Buraz MyBot PhilipJFry Sh4dov AlanWalthari RadicalFuhrer Schmuckbenny Navax adamo191288 NOKIA Slogger FireFr0st MrPrezident Gurrzz ajfonty Ramzes1985 Mr-Smith Xeter Draxx Laserbeam2000 vman1236 WarthogDriver Lewy102 slsoulfire FasheTar Multisense LogicMissile Csaba2111 Octopu55y
Metatron samt9892 geo Nexus_of_Reality TheRiddler sygmatek ovamaiora GreedyFly SoGiveThemCake Keinheld ViP011 Krautsurfer PkPolice Hojo_Norem Tasty_Ravioli JoMama Swaggiraf tobiasbeckdahl NobleHouse RKT_Archimos Keidran LichKing2033 Joshlittlestar MegaVIRUS Syndicalist Zombe Chosen manread pfhool KingKickAss AFKFLO coca Undercontrol Tyrath Incinarator PuppyOfFear Frashy Toast369 aaligoa23a FlyingNorwegian KingOfTheScots
Doobers Steel_Falcon darkascent IMMORTAL_CZAR ParallaxCore Deadly-Tangerine Ladenkiller Thermidor luftship GLIBS LiningTunip Winnifred CacaVengeur TrojanEnder ccb80 theriddler117 TheWeeTyrant Jesus_ Jazzi Tbobito Lamortjds c1eave lucius101 filthy_swine Daedle megajoeforce bickusdickus jaybee546 Cabal Aro24xNew Ameh Vanguard VioletAniaIRC WreckedMachines fedorafreak spani Gideonitous figaro299 ghjdbltw7 Karthinex
Martin_PL G0TT Seriph Ddmdna Exter17 Blunderbore DoubleEdge Zesty_Lime Slickpic2 Giem TribTrob Hammac Rise alissa28 t2cewlfurshewl ObsidianOblivion Baron_Harkonnen flyingpancake MikZZ rPoYJIu loz117 Goldennugget deeeeeznutz Brumburum Fatso mustang BombBouncer Tarazed Kielbasa cropdust3r Godefrox MKMethosPL FastPlanet Agent_Washingtub Frdyan Stonie Topkack Ferrat416 wheelhouse Pachu-Pachu gleeman Syd SirMilo
TURBO2 tortard Mikepara HotFog Engineeringchaos fishonfire GizmoDan Hybrid_ sargenargrefus GroeneAppel Obie XelNaga mrdougan dzunen vdayi cpt_wiggle_hobbi Lumb3r7ack Neodaka Tat_art Raiden007 Koecher Arisu_M Slippery Kampfkartoffel Linklad Dalex8 cembom Solar_Storm MilchRatchet KillerPopTart MrZcion Patton_rocks Mhad paranoidAI Vonese Dr-Jekyll Vegal Q_Continuum Doug-le-Guedin Helm Mikrolis_EB3 wemyss Zynphx
Shogun143 corne338 Shai-Hulud FearofFear Luk0216 Meow Bloodaxe InfernalRain LCR Resurrecjohn manjamm zeldaw9 Lovemuffin Klaatu Snow_Ze_Wolf Shimrras Arrowsmith UnorthodoxBox Thorgaming GL_Dervoo petn Cubensis Capoeira alex54 drNilsen mrtyler603 Zaphod3d CheosKinG OxideIon SkySmasher99 Nikzig777 DaMatz ZLO zlutyzupan LordBiron Greyfeathers Delatoth pastrychef ripsometime BadCopy ItsMeDome BrutalMoustache InfernalOverkill
dreonic Heradrion Trojaner S_A_T_A_N_ PoMMeS sandbox121 Bossman AlexFix BesMarcell Styx The_GLow Agrum Hunaja rab24ack killerfrog2222 zylvar JaggedAppliance ducati1098rr MonkieSkinner cngzmlk Pablo32 Hans_Omiacok HarvesteR aronjakob Fiore BFG Trooper1989 Cookie108 thedoomhammer leepop7 Full_Metal Samureye rkrempel TheBeck123 smudge504 Brewber socr1179 janbouke content404 Sug81 kaywaynuke FoxyVixen-Awoo czablonc
Gigi_Falcone b3ckstar SheeshDuPenner Dangreen420 TheNovasGlow F3ARXenon tupeuxpastest kbot Door NightCrow7 Kcori Quercia SkuneSix MrBeater Naglfarer Zerwas911 portent721 newBee Skyrex KleanUpGuy Xuereb85 lucien62 TwentyEight dethsmoke Iker CCF Defcon52 SYSTEM_FAILURE CrowbarSniper Giebmasse Spartiate MKos PigBenis grozilla LuckyLuke AnoobX shizune2000 TheDarklord Benjamin porosef StarBuck Caulus BrokenBlade
dfgdfgfgfgddfgfd tranguz Sentra MidgetMan6711 blanco0077 Markive ITER MoodErrector Garibaldi ShooterSteam nocaps LordWilson trekki ultimatuum Mickey01 Rick_5pecialForc Taco_de_Res SuperThijs Shadowflames cube101 Morgorth JOHNCENA_____ Dabbeljuh Marrd Mackeem devilmouse whatsduenschiss hammerhead640 robobill gutas Silvae MR_T4k Ithica raptor_ Phalien Dojitza Georch kazzoux Aranthos Riddick_ Rood Fishy BlackAce2020
shuffles SITD RIP arex Zombi B2Firefly Barsik Mully Lightning_Flash Tagada14 ZooDoo4U FrolicLaCrokett FuzionF grga57 ChapeauClaque ImTheBOSSMAN Vyzeerg Mick9330 IIpu3paK_BpH Sfango fireal BobTheNoob KingOfChaos Headcrab Crehture XRV750 candle_clock Mountain Rental_Metard OXY Durttu freebird Jokr lordofwar Senteth_Loken Hascins Tactically_Inept Toreador gatosamorai skwibble Megadown Leonidasz @Gorton Pukster
Unlifear ChumaChumChumena ZERO-KR Maximmus XoTeC Mr_Wolf crazywauz Schaiwo Sireis Iszh everywhere116 Metal_Lord FofocksSake sovietspyder ShinyMcGlint EntropyWins erikstoler garfield ubiquitous Dinkelacker nicm116 Bladez heelix Despair Tiran Cyclonicfury Omnix Gambino pipilord Deathbyewok Ferball ArmYofHardcorE llllllllll Kab__ profchaos Narco-Sobrino BenGuard xamaro theblackgnome &Voodoo shood9988 Dogler Nasoferm
@Tyr &Scruffy apriori jareksv3 edoh73 theeggroll Krzysztof Darius80 Zock booty8787 Adju watergetnoenemy Kapitan_zlo snipetout Arganotaut lillith KeyBlue troubledpanda Mephi Washy Barxan DOOM2099 Spotty dr_facepalm maxus_pl Tokyto_ Apocalypse Takash mpmxyz probedroid po5tal Hades_Doorman realcat Lord_Gloryhole PostHumousDire Lili arnchi koelscherjung jammy2232 WinstonWolfe PCMasterRace d-_-b Hobrow TheHindenburg11
Tya ISuckAtFAF ArtiO Fungus bmwm3max WoodenNipple BlacKdRAGONN Milos4444 Huawei razorkid McBert Lionhardt Gyle Hush Akazukin Cfuz Rygar timaster YouLikeThat L0rdZ Most4all Kevsnz artek PotatoLicker murkoner haris99 EvilPoch BlackheartIRC dionan jamie91 Cav TheWerty elma ZehnderHD zmaier ScorpionKing Qeeet chokutoreiki tsig CptYang CrazyViking Renegade9559 Warner-Valholl Freddy_TNT Nuggets weaser31 firesnake
Tux sniper001 Blast_Chilled BlueOneID MrBerserker Grim Clinch Visions R4mMsTE1n Aanon Micky Magnum69 Cavemanking Maranovski ForFunOnly ximmic MestreChefe84 TomLondon Blackheart DummyMartin Saraide Chevalier Zero_Mass RicoSlade nurse_Asemi SknkMstrSte J4nuS MadEnte UrRival03 GeorgeR1707 Alex444 q-_-p G0PNIK666 HighLander-TX mark2136 Koff Evildrew Speed1 Sui Corvathra Milfeichmam Crimson110382 Skoomaholic boris_zerty
PapaRimske steelking932 sriberius THECROW4luck Hildegard Fourty7 mapi5032 Hunaja_irc TRIANGLE SteelBear weartheborg TheBestUsername BeastmodeGuNs Honor_Et_Virtus trekkieeq Draggy Overlord011 @BRNKoINSANITY arkitect NSAS @Viking MonkeyLord15 williebear GlazedBrony MagicDoc Flypaste Fox43 Ameriki De1tahavoc Krib Big_Brother Garage Marine jfers04 ACDC tGxLedgendlore OnePoch FUNKBOT Gimbalt Vailful cmfrip LordPunska
Commy64 ANTIcarrot FLOOD Jamec Bespin Templar TacticalWhiskers Aorii hamro RiseUpInNumbers myles deutschblitz Cmdrd Typo91 LeeroyJenkins ReverendPoon BladeX @Deering_ TerminalCancer @Insanity Blodir_IRC @QAI Giebmasse_irc visionik__ TheDuke sheeo__ &AeonCommander avh postal EntropyWins_
End of /NAMES list.
[nick: [email protected]->VioletAnia]
[ctcp: [email protected]->#aeolus]ACTION
zockyzock - FAF King of Aeon - since 19:15:15 (47 viewers)
[ctcp: [email protected]->#aeolus]ACTION
TAG_Chosen - HERE ! COOL OFF - since 19:15:58 (3 viewers)
[ctcp: [email protected]->#aeolus]ACTION
EntropyGames - Entropy wins in the end - since 18:15:36 (1 viewers)
[ctcp: [email protected]->#aeolus]ACTION
Shivanxt - Watching Aeon Tourny... [ GER | ENG ] - since 19:00:04 (1 viewers)
[ctcp: [email protected]->#aeolus]ACTION
[ping: None->]
[ctcp: [email protected]->#aeolus]ACTION
reclaims BattleMachine
[ctcp: [email protected]->#aeolus]ACTION
only yielded 10 mass
[ctcp: [email protected]->#aeolus]ACTION
is disappointed
[ping: None->]irc.faforever.comStatistics: Posted by prodromos — 26 Mar 2016, 21:31