Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2015-01-04T20:11:55+02:00 /feed.php?f=26&t=9146 2015-01-04T20:11:55+02:00 2015-01-04T20:11:55+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=9146&p=90306#p90306 <![CDATA[Re: RKs explosions : Air reclaim disabled in water]]>
When the current version of the explosions mod was released this bug was not present, so it is something that was introduced in patch(es) 3636 (and onwards), because they re-do the plane sinking code, which coincidentally does not seem to mix well with my modified code. :)

Anyway, as stated, I am aware that this bug came about in the latest patch, and it will be fixed in the next version which is due to be released next week.

Statistics: Posted by RK4000 — 04 Jan 2015, 20:11

2015-01-04T18:00:19+02:00 2015-01-04T18:00:19+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=9146&p=90295#p90295 <![CDATA[RKs explosions : Air reclaim disabled in water]]> Confirmed for sera t1 inties, aeon t3 torps, sera + aeon asfs + spyplanes, likely happens for any unit. hotfix please, major gamebreak

Used mod: RKs explosions

Seems not to happen without RKs.

Statistics: Posted by Blackheart — 04 Jan 2015, 18:00
