Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2014-09-28T04:47:16+02:00 /feed.php?f=26&t=8598 2014-09-28T04:47:16+02:00 2014-09-28T04:47:16+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8598&p=81968#p81968 <![CDATA[Sound bug + UI Lag/Skipping]]> FIXED

Ever since last tuesday (23/9/14) I started to get a lot of weird glitches in-game.

For starters, I get UI lag or 'skipping' in the lobby, where the game momentarily freezes (maybe for half a second on average) and my cursor gets stuck and skips to where I moved it to during the freeze. This happens quite frequently in the lobby, maybe at least every 20 seconds.

The biggest problem is in game, and this makes FA generally unplayable for me. At the start of the game, 10-30 seconds in, I frequently get the same UI lag, mouse skipping and freezing, but it's also accompanied by a sound bug - The music and sound effects stop entirely or it just gets stuck, as if I'm about to BSOD. This freezing can last 5 seconds and it's very annoying since it happens quite frequently. It is most prevalent whenever the client has to draw a lot of particles - particularly whenever I send an air scout to a base (5-10 second freeze) or my commander explodes (20 second freeze).

I should also note that sometimes firefox and flashplayer have crashed multiple times when I've had them on in the background, which never happens for me.

What I've tried doing and tested each of my possible solutions: I have checked for viruses, updated drivers, then downgraded them, run a memory diagnostics check, fiddled around with graphical settings etc.

My other games, even those which have more polygons and are generally more GPU and CPU intensive are absolutely fine. I'm running FA on generally high settings and I'm getting a consistent 45+ fps minimum with an average of about 50+ fps (except of course when it freezes). I've also done a test where I was playing a video on youtube (with sound on), while I had an FA game running (sound off). The youtube video was experiencing the same kind of sound bugs whenever my FA game got one of these freezes.

My PC Specs:
Cpu: Intel Core 2 Quad Q9450, 2.66 GHz, 12M cache.
Graphics Card: Nvidia Geforce GTX 580
RAM: 8GB of DDR2 RAM (I know it's old)
OS: Windows 7 64-bit

EDIT: I Just tried Vanilla FA and I get the exact same problem in the lobby and in-game.
I should also note that the freezing is very unpredictable.

[FIXED] I reinstalled Supreme Commander on a local drive, instead of one which is 8 years old and only had 600MB of free space. If you're having the same problems just do what I did.

Statistics: Posted by taxman66 — 28 Sep 2014, 04:47
