Experiment with a long-term league style tournament
Generate a continuing stream of possibly cast-able games (I'd like to have a go at a weekly 'League Highlights' cast)
Have fun!
>The tournament will be a league style tournament with a league table updated weekly by the TD.
>Each player will play one match per week.
>A match will consist of three games: one map chosen by each player, and one map which will be announced at the start of each week. All of the maps must be from the map-pool (see below).
>Disputes will be decided by the TD.
>Pairings for matches will be announced on this thread around Sunday 7pm GMT +1.
>Matches should be organised by the players themselves.
>Results should be reported by posting in this thread or by PMing the TD.
>Results should be reported by (the following) Sunday 5pm GMT + 1. Players are encouraged to post exciting/close replays.
>Points will be awarded (for each game) as follows:
Win: 4 Points
Draw: 2 Points
Loss: 0 Points
Winning Bonus – TBD (suggestions welcome): 1 Point
Losing Bonus – loosing with your opponent’s ACU having less than 2000 hp at the end of the game: 1 Point
(i.e. a maximum of 15 points are a available each match)
The tournament will end when every player has played every other player in the league.
Looking for 8-12 players who are:
>Between 1600 and 1900 global rating
>Keen enough to play for the duration (7 – 11 weeks) of the tournament.
>Motivated enough to be able to organise their matches without the TD having to encourage them.
TBDStatistics: Posted by Pope_Melvin — 27 Sep 2014, 15:26