Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2014-09-20T13:01:13+02:00 /feed.php?f=26&t=8402 2014-09-20T13:01:13+02:00 2014-09-20T13:01:13+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8402&p=81072#p81072 <![CDATA[Re: weird cybran stealth]]>

the answer is the sonar of torpedo planes

nope. sorry.
cybran com upgrade gives both sonar and radar stealth.
the only way to see it is with a unit which has "water vision" or omni

most ships have water vision, torpedo bombers do not. and neither do their torpedoes.,URA0204,URS0103 see this for more info

overall im quite sure this is a bug.

i did some testing on this, and the stealth should be quite reliable. as soon as a unit which can see it disappears (moving away, dieing), the commander cant be seen.
one exception to this is when a ship that can see it dies, it can still see it until the wreck sinks to the bottom. (maybe not sure about this)
upgrading stealth while being seen makes the com invisible.

however, torp bombers which were already attacking the com when it becomes invisible continue doing so. giving them any orders causes them to stop and not find their target again. assisting torps which are attacking doesnt work.

heres the replay in which i tested:

Statistics: Posted by Exotic_Retard — 20 Sep 2014, 13:01

2014-09-20T07:58:25+02:00 2014-09-20T07:58:25+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8402&p=81069#p81069 <![CDATA[Re: weird cybran stealth]]> , not is a bug.

Statistics: Posted by vongratz — 20 Sep 2014, 07:58

2014-09-01T02:06:53+02:00 2014-09-01T02:06:53+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8402&p=79862#p79862 <![CDATA[Re: weird cybran stealth]]>
I see, from watching both snipe attempt, that do seem to be the case.

However that means that on top of having a torp cam, there's a death torp cam that last fairly long, after the torp dissapear. Which makes stealth acu completely and utterless useless after they know its there in the first place. (Since they didnt need anything to counter the stealth beside open fire.)

I assumed the reason they were able to shoot me was because of the sustained vision, therefore...

If you're able to continue shooting and tracking something after it has become "invisible" then it is counter intuitive if not a bug.

In theory it should work that way:

They lose vision on stealthed unit, stealthed unit become invisible to radar again.

Current targeting orders keep shooting at last known location. The unit can move to avoid getting shot, since it is now "invisible" to the enemy.

If the units can continue tracking a moving invisible units, well that sound like a bug to me, but i'll just keep that into consideration in the future if thats an accepted mechanic.

Statistics: Posted by Virosa — 01 Sep 2014, 02:06

2014-09-01T01:57:47+02:00 2014-09-01T01:57:47+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8402&p=79860#p79860 <![CDATA[Re: weird cybran stealth]]> Statistics: Posted by UnorthodoxBox — 01 Sep 2014, 01:57

2014-09-01T01:29:06+02:00 2014-09-01T01:29:06+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8402&p=79859#p79859 <![CDATA[Possible underwater stealth bug?]]>
Either i missed something very obvious or there is a bug with skimmer depth charges.

I asked in Aeolus and several people said they didnt know, that it was prolly a bug and to post here for answers;

So, in short. There are no omni or cybran t3 scout flying overhead, my mirror doesnt have t3 air nor have an eye of rhianne, but my acu with stealth backpack is continuously being seen(on radar/sonar) underwater, from the moment an engie(maybe related to bug?) get "sniped" by a volley of skimmers.

Everyone is repeating that planes do not have water vision and my enemy doesnt have any boats. So the enemy should neither have water vision on acu nor a counter to stealth.
Time table:
Screenie before the engie get "sniped" (no vision and swiftwinds who just flew over the acu didnt see it): *snip url* @ 30:58 minutes

Screenie after the engie get "sniped" (t.bombers fly away, they have 0 vision but they can see me on radar/sonar somehow): *snip url* @ 31:41

T.bombers comming back for blood (they can still see the acu underwater, this also show i'm outside omni radius by a good margin) *snip url* @ 32:12

Just for good mesure, this show that around minute 31, i have plenty of E to power the backpack on and that its toggled on (glowy aura). *snip url*
*snip* Wont let me post screenshots because i'm apparently a new user.

Full replay:
*snip url*id=2563561 (thanks to [GB]Exotic_Retard for giving me the link, cuz i nub)

Or manually search Online Vault:
-Game name: 800-1800 on Twin Rivers
-Duration 00:48:42

Statistics: Posted by Virosa — 01 Sep 2014, 01:29

2014-08-22T19:49:05+02:00 2014-08-22T19:49:05+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8402&p=79262#p79262 <![CDATA[Re: weird cybran stealth]]>

Statistics: Posted by ZeRen — 22 Aug 2014, 19:49

2014-08-22T19:15:46+02:00 2014-08-22T19:15:46+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8402&p=79260#p79260 <![CDATA[Re: weird cybran stealth]]>
Can you post the video by only pasting the video ID (if you uploaded it on youtube)? (this part: watch?v=TqJBwtO6az8)

Statistics: Posted by da_monstr — 22 Aug 2014, 19:15

2014-08-22T18:50:53+02:00 2014-08-22T18:50:53+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8402&p=79259#p79259 <![CDATA[weird cybran stealth]]>
So I had cybran com under water with stealth, enemy team didnt have any sub or omni, but their torp bombers were able to not just hit my com, but even see him, I watched replay and I didnt believe

pls check it, at 17 minut
I wanna post short video from replay and I get this Your post looks too spamy for a new user, please remove off-site URLs.

really? for one?

Statistics: Posted by ZeRen — 22 Aug 2014, 18:50
