Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2014-07-30T09:03:44+02:00 /feed.php?f=26&t=8264 2014-07-30T09:03:44+02:00 2014-07-30T09:03:44+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8264&p=77853#p77853 <![CDATA[Re: Loss of connectivity--unable to see games or host]]>

Statistics: Posted by Ze_PilOt — 30 Jul 2014, 09:03

2014-07-30T08:20:38+02:00 2014-07-30T08:20:38+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8264&p=77848#p77848 <![CDATA[Re: Loss of connectivity--unable to see games or host]]>

Statistics: Posted by traitr — 30 Jul 2014, 08:20

2014-07-30T08:20:13+02:00 2014-07-30T08:20:13+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=8264&p=77847#p77847 <![CDATA[Loss of connectivity--unable to see games or host]]>
Read all the FAQs and related links within the wiki/other threads
some people seem to have had the same issue but they 'fixed themselves

I was able to connect to games before, and then one day I started dropping from games... that then lead to me not even being able to connect to chat/lobby server to find games.

Here is my log. I've tried UPnP on and off.
I've tried Port forwarding.
and DMZ.. nothing seems to work.

If I wait ~20mins I will eventually see some games, and be able to host. Majority of the time I won't have an option of hosting. I tried the proxy server connection button and that worked fine.

Currently running "Bridge mode/ IP Passthrough" - from ATT Uverse modem/router connection to a Belkin Router. Also tried with a netgear router. same results. All firewall/packet filtering on ATT gateway is disabled to passthrough to router. My computer is using a static IP on router.
MTU = 1500 on both routers/gateway.

"Port forwarding off" - UPnP on

UPnP off -- Port Forwarding on.
most logs end here... faf.client sending packet to direct.faforever

I am able to chat... but will not see anything else server related.
Help please.
Thank you.

Statistics: Posted by traitr — 30 Jul 2014, 08:20
