Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2014-06-20T00:33:11+02:00 /feed.php?f=26&t=7826 2014-06-20T00:33:11+02:00 2014-06-20T00:33:11+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=7826&p=75823#p75823 <![CDATA[Re: FA Offline 'connecting' issue]]> Statistics: Posted by goldenarbiter — 20 Jun 2014, 00:33

2014-06-19T07:20:36+02:00 2014-06-19T07:20:36+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=7826&p=75763#p75763 <![CDATA[Re: FA Offline 'connecting' issue]]>
I just tested it and got this which looks fine. If you launched through steam then it is probably because you have a colour selected that isn't int the steam version. Solution to that is just select a default colour in faf.

Statistics: Posted by Deering — 19 Jun 2014, 07:20

2014-06-19T01:03:41+02:00 2014-06-19T01:03:41+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=7826&p=75749#p75749 <![CDATA[FA Offline 'connecting' issue]]>
Normally I would just delete the mod, but since it's built into FAF, I can't do that. I could also delete FAF, but then I would need to re-download it every time I do get a chance to play online, and that is very costly on data.

I was mostly just wondering if there was a way around this, or if deleting FAF was my only option.

Cheers from the CF.

Statistics: Posted by goldenarbiter — 19 Jun 2014, 01:03
