Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2014-05-04T02:05:10+02:00 /feed.php?f=26&t=7329 2014-05-04T02:04:54+02:00 2014-05-04T02:04:54+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=7329&p=72203#p72203 <![CDATA[Re: Can't Join Or Host]]>
Oops, I feel dumb now. Sorry

Statistics: Posted by Zyneak — 04 May 2014, 02:04

2014-05-04T01:16:44+02:00 2014-05-04T01:16:44+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=7329&p=72198#p72198 <![CDATA[Re: Can't Join Or Host]]>
You are using a steam version on the game, can you launch it from steam?
If not, please verify your steam cache integrity.

Also please enable game.log and post it (check red wall of text)

Statistics: Posted by Ze_PilOt — 04 May 2014, 01:16

2014-05-04T02:05:10+02:00 2014-05-04T01:12:00+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=7329&p=72196#p72196 <![CDATA[Can't Join Or Host[Solved]]]>
I click on the host/join button and the loading box pops up. It says updating FAFGAMEDATA or something like that then closes.

Here are the logs: dropbox*com/sh/qjihlm0h6wbdypu/IN4hV8QvPw

I've disabled my firewall, portforwarded: 6115 and the other one.

I'm not sure what is going on here?

Replace the * with a . It would not let me use the link.

Statistics: Posted by Zyneak — 04 May 2014, 01:12
