Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2014-03-23T16:10:11+02:00 /feed.php?f=26&t=7062 2014-03-23T16:10:11+02:00 2014-03-23T16:10:11+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=7062&p=69611#p69611 <![CDATA[Re: TCP Connection error.]]>

also TCP errors happen when server restart (most likely)

In my experience server restart doesnt happen so frequently with most servers, and it doesnt effect only one player. Thank you for the thouht though.

Statistics: Posted by Turnus — 23 Mar 2014, 16:10

2014-03-23T12:13:34+02:00 2014-03-23T12:13:34+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=7062&p=69593#p69593 <![CDATA[Re: TCP Connection error.]]>
so if you post in tech support you should have read red wall of text and know that you need to attach logs.

also TCP errors happen when server restart (most likely)

Statistics: Posted by ZLO_RD — 23 Mar 2014, 12:13

2014-03-23T11:56:07+02:00 2014-03-23T11:56:07+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=7062&p=69591#p69591 <![CDATA[TCP Connection error.]]>
Edit: I forgot to mention, all tabs except the Feed tab (What's new ?) become offline. Its exctremely inonvienient, any ideas on the issue, and maybe a solution. As an after thought I believe the issue bagan after a clean install of Sup Com FA.

Statistics: Posted by Turnus — 23 Mar 2014, 11:56
