The existing mod was more an hack than a mod.
But the new way of key binding hotbuild will allow you to rebind it more easily and really fast. The order of the options in they key bind menu (F1) is the same as the original mod.
Meaning that to have the default key bind of the original mod for US keyboard, you should bind, in order:
As you can see, it is the key in the order of your keyboard
The integrated mod will take care of binding the corresponding shift/alt combos.
If there is a shortcut on one of these combo (ie. shift-W is already used), the combo won’t be made, and a warning will show in the log (game.log) :
WARNING: Shift-W is already bind
You can be okay with that or unbind the key. It will retry to make the hotbuild combo immediately (you don’t need to restart FA or your game).