Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2014-02-09T00:40:55+02:00 /feed.php?f=26&t=6596 2014-02-09T00:40:55+02:00 2014-02-09T00:40:55+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=6596&p=64654#p64654 <![CDATA[Re: Not able to Login due false Steam identification]]>
You are using linux.

Linux is NOT supported. That's why you have problems.

Go back on windows, it will solve everything.

I can't give you further support. It's clearly stated that Linux is unsupported and that you can't ask for support.

Thanks for wasting my time :-/

Statistics: Posted by Ze_PilOt — 09 Feb 2014, 00:40

2014-02-09T00:37:50+02:00 2014-02-09T00:37:50+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=6596&p=64653#p64653 <![CDATA[Re: Not able to Login due false Steam identification]]> I can only give you his an my Steam name...

As I said: I guess its a Problem with Steams new feature "family sharing"

Statistics: Posted by Frozen_byte — 09 Feb 2014, 00:37

2014-02-09T00:35:31+02:00 2014-02-09T00:35:31+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=6596&p=64652#p64652 <![CDATA[Re: Not able to Login due false Steam identification]]>
Frozen_byte wrote:
Ze_PilOt wrote:He obviously did used FAF on your PC and link his account with steam.

For the last time, Steam doesn't even need to be installed. It's using a web profile.

He did not. Never.
He even doesn't have a FAF Account nor installed FAF. Ever.

Let agree to disagree, or you wouldn't have that popup now.

Unless you give me your friend FAF nickname, I will assume he did that.

Statistics: Posted by Ze_PilOt — 09 Feb 2014, 00:35

2014-02-09T00:34:33+02:00 2014-02-09T00:34:33+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=6596&p=64651#p64651 <![CDATA[Re: Not able to Login due false Steam identification]]>
Ze_PilOt wrote:
He obviously did used FAF on your PC and link his account with steam.

For the last time, Steam doesn't even need to be installed. It's using a web profile.

He did not. Never.
He even doesn't have a FAF Account nor installed FAF. Ever.

Statistics: Posted by Frozen_byte — 09 Feb 2014, 00:34

2014-02-09T00:32:18+02:00 2014-02-09T00:32:18+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=6596&p=64650#p64650 <![CDATA[Re: Not able to Login due false Steam identification]]>
Frozen_byte wrote:
I'm seriously not getting your words...

Maybe make the thinks clear(er):
- My Friend never Installed/played FAF but bought SupCom:FA throught Steam
- My Friend logged into Steam from my PC1
- I logged into Steam from same PC1
Now Steam know both Accounts for that PC1

- I try to login into FAF from my PC2
- FAF tells me the Steam-thing

I wonder:
How does FAF know what I've done on a completely other PC?! ALSO: How does FAF determine my freidns (or mine) Steamname?!

He obviously did used FAF on your PC and link his account with steam.

For the last time, Steam doesn't even need to be installed. It's using a web profile. As long as the profile has FA in it, it's enough.

FAF determine your friend steam name because he did used the steam link, where it asks for the steam name.

And he knows your PC was used with a steam link because it did.

Statistics: Posted by Ze_PilOt — 09 Feb 2014, 00:32

2014-02-09T00:32:35+02:00 2014-02-09T00:29:45+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=6596&p=64649#p64649 <![CDATA[Re: Not able to Login due false Steam identification]]>
Maybe make the thinks clear(er):
- My Friend never Installed/played FAF but bought SupCom:FA through Steam
- My Friend logged into Steam from my PC1
- I logged into Steam from same PC1
Now Steam know both Accounts for that PC1

- I try to login into FAF from my PC2
- FAF tells me the Steam-thing

I wonder:
How does FAF know what I've done on a completely other PC?! ALSO: How does FAF determine my friends (or mine) Steamname?!

Statistics: Posted by Frozen_byte — 09 Feb 2014, 00:29

2014-02-09T00:25:07+02:00 2014-02-09T00:25:07+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=6596&p=64648#p64648 <![CDATA[Re: Not able to Login due false Steam identification]]>
It's not related to you having steam or not on that PC.
It's related to someone who has a account that is Steamlink and who used your PC.

Of course that person cannot use steam on your PC. That doesn't matter, it's not related.
His account was tied on ANOTHER PC. That's all that matters.

And to be clear : The server doesn't look on steam anything, ever. Except on ONE occasion : When it does the steamlink.
You do it once, and it's done forever. No looking on steam after.
And Steam doesn't need to be installed, the person just need access to a steam account with FA installed.

And if you really need details, I'm using Steam API & SteamID system to look if the person has FA on his list of game.
That info must be public, I can't look for something that is not available publicly. (That's why steamlink is asking to make your profile public on the first login).

Statistics: Posted by Ze_PilOt — 09 Feb 2014, 00:25

2014-02-09T00:07:49+02:00 2014-02-09T00:07:49+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=6596&p=64644#p64644 <![CDATA[Re: Not able to Login due false Steam identification]]> The problem is: On that PC there is no Steam installed - so nobody could use ANY Steam version on that machine.

I have (physically) another PC where my friend logged into Steam. But not on the PC with FAF installed!

That tells me you are giving my IP to Steam to look what Games me/my Friend have installed?

Statistics: Posted by Frozen_byte — 09 Feb 2014, 00:07

2014-02-08T23:24:15+02:00 2014-02-08T23:24:15+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=6596&p=64640#p64640 <![CDATA[Re: Not able to Login due false Steam identification]]>
Read it more carefully : It's not saying that YOU used a steam version, it's telling you that someone that used a steam version used YOUR PC.

It's clearly written :

Be careful :
If you try to log with a non-linked account on a computer that used a steam-linked account, you will not able to login!

there is no going back!

Your friend login was tied to steamlink, he used it on your PC, that's how the server knows. Nothing magic.

Statistics: Posted by Ze_PilOt — 08 Feb 2014, 23:24

2014-02-08T22:48:09+02:00 2014-02-08T22:48:09+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=6596&p=64635#p64635 <![CDATA[Re: Not able to Login due false Steam identification]]>
The Workaround: Link Steam to you account.

Still a Problem: I still don't know how FAF knows about the login (of my friend) to Steam from an other PC. I do not want to link my account to Steam.

Statistics: Posted by Frozen_byte — 08 Feb 2014, 22:48

2014-02-08T22:12:20+02:00 2014-02-08T22:12:20+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=6596&p=64632#p64632 <![CDATA[Re: Not able to Login due false Steam identification]]> Statistics: Posted by Voodoo — 08 Feb 2014, 22:12

2014-02-08T20:47:13+02:00 2014-02-08T20:47:13+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=6596&p=64626#p64626 <![CDATA[Not able to Login due false Steam identification]]>
I can not login into my FAF Account due it recognizes SupCom as Game in my Steam list.
But I have not installed, nor punchrased this game about Steam.

I guess the Problem is: I used the new "family sharing" feature of Steam and one of my "family" has SupCom:FA punchrased about steam. Now FAF recognizes the game as "punchrased" but it's not!!

Pleas help me, or at least tell me how FAF is checking my SteamGames (so I can fix the problem by myself and post the solution here)

If FYI: I have not Installed Steam on this Computer (but another one)
Also I searched in my Registry for "steam" with zero results.
How does FAF know about my Steam Account?! Im not happy with this fact :/

Here is a nice picture of the error message:

Statistics: Posted by Frozen_byte — 08 Feb 2014, 20:47
