Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2013-12-27T01:27:21+02:00 /feed.php?f=26&t=5927 2013-12-27T01:27:21+02:00 2013-12-27T01:27:21+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=5927&p=60144#p60144 <![CDATA[Re: Lose connection to host once lobby reaches 5+ players]]> Statistics: Posted by content404 — 27 Dec 2013, 01:27

2013-12-17T14:55:20+02:00 2013-12-17T14:55:20+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=5927&p=59655#p59655 <![CDATA[Re: Lose connection to host once lobby reaches 5+ players]]> Statistics: Posted by Xinnony — 17 Dec 2013, 14:55

2013-12-17T06:35:19+02:00 2013-12-17T06:35:19+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=5927&p=59636#p59636 <![CDATA[Lose connection to host once lobby reaches 5+ players]]>

In the log above, I have hosted a custom game to check that the ports match up. I have set port 6874 with uPnP enabled. The second portion of the log is when I experienced the problem described above, once 6 players joined the lobby I lost connection with the host.

I have attempted using port forwarding without uPnP and well as switching up the ports with/without uPnP, no change either way. When I enable DMZ hosting I am unable to log in to FAF, as soon as I disable DMZ hosting I can log in without problems. I have attempted enabling DMZ hosting with FAF running, no change. I use ZoneAlarm firewall & antivirus and have given FAF and SupCom FA full permissions.

I'm completely out of ideas, any help would be appreciated.

Statistics: Posted by content404 — 17 Dec 2013, 06:35
