Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2013-11-03T17:07:33+02:00 /feed.php?f=26&t=5650 2013-11-03T17:07:33+02:00 2013-11-03T17:07:33+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=5650&p=57081#p57081 <![CDATA[Re: SC Cybran "Operation Unlock" WILL NOT start!]]> Activated GOLD EDITION in Steam. Installed Steam copy. PROBLEM SOLVED.

Statistics: Posted by Streaks — 03 Nov 2013, 17:07

2013-10-31T07:11:33+02:00 2013-10-31T07:11:33+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=5650&p=56845#p56845 <![CDATA[Re: SC Cybran "Operation Unlock" WILL NOT start!]]>
That means that I'm the only one to have this crappy problem?

Statistics: Posted by Streaks — 31 Oct 2013, 07:11

2013-10-29T14:08:54+02:00 2013-10-29T14:08:54+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=5650&p=56760#p56760 <![CDATA[SC Cybran "Operation Unlock" WILL NOT start!]]>
Frankly, I really don't know what will become of this post. That's because my concern is about SC and not FA, technically I am breaking the rules already. But I am running out of options.

You see, I am yet to finish SC.

I have finished the UEF missions years ago. So I started playing the Cybran. Got bored, started the Aeon campaign without finishing the Cybran campaign. Then, played FA casually with mods during the time FAF did not exist yet.

I then shelved both games, making sure to keep my old SC profile backed up.

I just recently resumed playing Cybran again and I am mowing through the missions. The last year I played the Cybran campaign was the year 2002.

I am now in "Operation Unlock". Here, the problem begins:

After the mission briefing with the Elite Commander and Dr. Brackman, you launch the mission. It starts with the Diplomacy window open, with no one in it. The map is fully revealed. But there is nothing there, no enemies, no ACU - just a blank and fully revealed map.

The mission won't start.

Now, I don't know why other missions start perfectly (when you replay the mission).

Seriously you guys, I gotta finish this game (SC and FA and SC2) before another decade passes by.


I have listed the things I have tried to solve this problem here: ... ?t=3195463
My SupCom version is 1.1.3280.

PS TO THE MODERATOR/S: If this post is to be deleted due to the fact that technically, it talks about SC and not FA or FAF, please be so kind as to move it to the proper forum here within FAF.

Statistics: Posted by Streaks — 29 Oct 2013, 14:08
