Sorry i'm a little late to the party.
I played sc and i felt that it did not quit capture the essence of good old ta however after playing at at work in a few co-op games i starting to judge the game on it own and it is addictive.
One thing i would love to do is to install some of the metal maps to SCFA (steam version)
I found some of the maps i played most. metal heck and core prime industrial area etc. however despite going through all the info on the web im stuck
in short the maps are not in the list to chose from.
Things i have done so after i have placed the map files in 2 locations
C:\steam\steamapps\common\supreme commander forged alliance\maps
C:\Users\alias\Documents\my games\Gas Powered Games\Supreme Commander Forged Alliance\maps
i have one mod running which is sorian ai
and in mod manager i have the metal mod for placement of mexxes.
i would be very gratful if anyone could help
aliasStatistics: Posted by alias86 — 13 Oct 2013, 16:22