Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2013-11-23T19:02:16+02:00 /feed.php?f=26&t=5517 2013-11-23T19:02:16+02:00 2013-11-23T19:02:16+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=5517&p=58438#p58438 <![CDATA[Re: Regular Tournaments each week, organize Thread]]>
Thanks for everyone playing in them, and especially the TDs.

Statistics: Posted by Zock — 23 Nov 2013, 19:02

2013-11-05T20:00:43+02:00 2013-11-05T20:00:43+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=5517&p=57287#p57287 <![CDATA[Re: Regular Tournaments each week, organize Thread]]>

need TDs for 29th and 30th :D

(and backup TDs for all dates except this week)

Statistics: Posted by Zock — 05 Nov 2013, 20:00

2013-11-05T19:53:11+02:00 2013-11-05T19:53:11+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=5517&p=57285#p57285 <![CDATA[Re: Regular Tournaments each week, organize Thread]]> Statistics: Posted by ToejamS — 05 Nov 2013, 19:53

2013-11-05T18:27:48+02:00 2013-11-05T18:27:48+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=5517&p=57280#p57280 <![CDATA[Re: Regular Tournaments each week, organize Thread]]>
next week TD is wildgreen.

Need TDs for the week after, if anyone can apply already.

Statistics: Posted by Zock — 05 Nov 2013, 18:27

2013-11-03T22:52:53+02:00 2013-11-03T22:52:53+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=5517&p=57110#p57110 <![CDATA[Re: Regular Tournaments each week, organize Thread]]>
Here are the text templates for it. All you need to do is change the maps (mappools in first post, please don't use other maps; try to find a good mix between small/big open/closed and custom/official maps), the TDs, activate HTML view and paste it in. For the 1v1 tourny you can use "enter quick results", for 2v2 not.

Spoiler: show
<p>This is one of the weekly FAF 1v1 and 2v2 tournements. <br>
They will be hosted each weekend at the same time with standard rules.<br>
The best matches of the tournement will be casted, sometimes live.<br>
So even if you are not playing, make sure you don't miss it!<br>
<b>1v1 will be Friday 18:00 GMT</b><br>
(20:00 CEST; Europe / 14:00 EDT; Eastcoast)<br>
<b>2v2 will be Saturday 17:00 GMT</b><br>
(19:00 CEST; Europe / 13:00 EDT; Eastcoast)<br>
(you can check your timezone here;<br>
This is the 2v2 Tournement - Sign up only for 1v1, not for 2v2<br>
IMPORTANT: Sign up only with one player of your team, not both! </b><br>
Swiss Style<br>
Default Options<br>
60 minutes timelimit per round (real time, might get extended)<br>
Share setting: Full share; if both teams agree you can put no share. <br>
Round 1: Eye of the Storm<br>
Round 2: Fields of Isis<br>
Round 3: Open Waters<br>
(only if needed:)<br>
Round 4: Vya-3 Protectorate<br>
Round 5: suprise map (of 2v2mappool)<br>
The highest placed player of each rating section will get:<br>
-above 1800: Tournement Winner<br>
-1200-1800: Place: Faction Face<br>
-under 1200: Place: Faction Logo<br>
<b>additional Rewards:</b><br>
-Tournament Participant Avatar for everyone who plays to the end<br>
-Special Avatar for 10 completed weekly tournements<br>
-Community voted "Winner of Hearts" Avatar<br>
for the best performing Underdog, or best Fight<br>
<b>Tournement Director:</b><br>
Backup TD: Toejams<br>

Spoiler: show
<p>This is one of the weekly FAF 1v1 and 2v2 tournements. <br>
They will be hosted each weekend at the same time with standard rules.<br>
The best matches of the tournement will be casted, sometimes live.<br>
So even if you are not playing, make sure you don't miss it!<br>
<b>1v1 will be Friday 18:00 GMT</b><br>
(20:00 CEST; Europe / 14:00 EDT; Eastcoast)<br>
<b>2v2 will be Saturday 17:00 GMT</b><br>
(19:00 CEST; Europe / 13:00 EDT; Eastcoast)<br>
(you can check your timezone here;<br>
This is the 1v1 Tournement - Sign up only for 1v1, not for 2v2</b><br>
Swiss Style<br>
Default Options<br>
45 minutes timelimit per round (real time, might get extended)<br>
Round 1: Canis River <br>
Round 2: Theta Passage <br>
Round 3: TAG_Craftious Maximus <br>
(only if needed:)<br>
Round 4: Vya-3 Protectorate<br>
Round 5: suprise map (of 1v1 ladder pool)<br>
The highest placed player of each rating section will get:<br>
-above 1800: Tournement Winner<br>
-1200-1800: Place: Faction Face<br>
-under 1200: Place: Faction Logo<br>
<b>additional Rewards:</b><br>
-Tournament Participant Avatar for everyone who plays to the end<br>
-Special Avatar for 10 completed weekly tournements<br>
-Community voted "Winner of Hearts" Avatar<br>
for the best performing Underdog, or best Fight<br>
<b>Tournement Director:</b><br>
Backup TD: Toejams </p>

Statistics: Posted by Zock — 03 Nov 2013, 22:52

2013-11-03T19:58:33+02:00 2013-11-03T19:58:33+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=5517&p=57093#p57093 <![CDATA[Re: Regular Tournaments each week, organize Thread]]> Statistics: Posted by Mad`Mozart — 03 Nov 2013, 19:58

2013-11-03T19:40:58+02:00 2013-11-03T19:40:58+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=5517&p=57092#p57092 <![CDATA[Re: Regular Tournaments each week, organize Thread]]>
There is no one for 1v1, and no backup TDs.

Statistics: Posted by Zock — 03 Nov 2013, 19:40

2013-11-02T20:01:38+02:00 2013-11-02T20:01:38+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=5517&p=57043#p57043 <![CDATA[Re: Regular Tournaments each week, organize Thread]]>
Bartok wrote:
Here's my opinion on the 1v1 tournament, it is hosted in the middle of the day Friday, a weekday, for everyone in the U.S.A. Unless someone has special circumstances (a holiday or something that gets them out of school or work) they have very little chance of competing in the tournament at all. The tournament will need to be scheduled differently if you want to regularly include these players.

Problem is, if its sheduled much later, it will be too late for europeans.

How much later would it need to be to be outside of USA worktimes?

1 hour could be done, 2 propably not. More no way.

Timezones suck :x

@Lame, mistakes can happen, but the sorting of the list decides only the first pairing, all others are determinated on the results. It's not such a big deal.

A bigger deal is the intentional lowering of rating to get into certain brackets. This will be investigated and eventually punished.

Statistics: Posted by Zock — 02 Nov 2013, 20:01

2013-11-02T19:06:48+02:00 2013-11-02T19:06:48+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=5517&p=57036#p57036 <![CDATA[Re: Regular Tournaments each week, organize Thread]]> you insisted on your opinion instead of looking into it and started to flame when i was asking for a proper answer.

i finished my game against armargeddon at 20:10 - you removed me at 20:26 which is a few minutes after i posted in this thread
this clearly shows that this is personal.

Statistics: Posted by Lame — 02 Nov 2013, 19:06

2013-11-02T18:49:49+02:00 2013-11-02T18:49:49+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=5517&p=57033#p57033 <![CDATA[Re: Regular Tournaments each week, organize Thread]]> Statistics: Posted by ToejamS — 02 Nov 2013, 18:49

2013-11-02T14:34:38+02:00 2013-11-02T14:34:38+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=5517&p=57024#p57024 <![CDATA[Re: Regular Tournaments each week, organize Thread]]> Statistics: Posted by Bartok — 02 Nov 2013, 14:34

2013-11-02T01:05:29+02:00 2013-11-02T01:05:29+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=5517&p=57001#p57001 <![CDATA[Re: Regular Tournaments each week, organize Thread]]> - see that i talk about just_a_game
- search for just a games replays
- see a bunch of games he lost in <3 minutes
- notice he stops losing quick games at exactly < 1800
- notice next game is tour game

- draw conclusions

Statistics: Posted by Lame — 02 Nov 2013, 01:05

2013-11-02T00:59:21+02:00 2013-11-02T00:59:21+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=5517&p=57000#p57000 <![CDATA[Re: Regular Tournaments each week, organize Thread]]> Statistics: Posted by Gorton — 02 Nov 2013, 00:59

2013-11-02T00:19:46+02:00 2013-11-02T00:19:46+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=5517&p=56997#p56997 <![CDATA[Re: Regular Tournaments each week, organize Thread]]>

1. Zock
2. BC_blackheart
4. Armageddon
5. colonelsheppard
6. aulex( 68)
7. sn_gorton (82)
8.just a game (90)
9. lame (95)
10. doom (100)
11. lyrana (135)
12. afex/massaraksh (only afex played the first round)

and by global.
1. Zock
2. BC_Blackheart
4. Armageddon
5. colonolsheppard
6. aulex (115)
7. just_a_game (131)
8. SN_gorton (149)
9. lame (200)
10. doom (230)
11. lyrana (304
12. afex (massarksn)

the tournament gave each players numbers but they differ starting with the 6th position.
1. gorton was seeded 6th. but aulex surpasses him in 1 vs 1 and global rating. - this gives gorton a huge starting advantage.
2. i am behind aulex/gorton/just a game but it seeded me 8th. giving me a weaker position and improving just a games.

both gorton and i have a very low deviation (48-50) which doesnt explain this even if the system would use the median.
i saw this during the tournament and asked for an explaination but none was given.
even if i would fully agree with the system in place i cannot accept the flawed execution and i expect tournament directors to know which system is in place and to ensure that it is implemented properly - if this is too much to ask i expect the system to be properly announced somewhere so that it is transparency to all players.

now lets look at the swiss style with 8 players and how it would turn out for the medium players (#4 and #5)

Round 1
#1 plays #5, #1 wins (hard to change that)
#2 plays #6, #2 wins
#3 plays #7, #3 wins
#4 plays #8, #4 wins (easy win)

Round 2:
#1 plays #3, #1 wins
#2 plays #4, #2 wins
#5 plays #7, #5 wins
#6 plays #8, #6 wins

#3 plays #5, #3 wins
#4 plays #6, #4 wins

as you can see the wins that #5 has to get to come out on top after 3 rounds are very hard to achieve - he would have to take on
either #1 or #3 while also securing his easy win against #7
all #4 has to do is win against lower seeded players.
this is part of the system - at this point we would need round 4 to see if #3 or #4 is better - then #4 would get a loss and #5 would get a win
at round 5 we would have the direct confrontation between 4 and 5 - swiss style can determine the outer ranks faster than the inner ones.

Given the current style of the Tournaments (giving avatars to u1200 1200-1800 and o1800) this is a major problem because the seed position plays a great part in determining who wins among the medium players (as the logical process of ordering the players is interrupted once the winner is found).

considering this situation and the fact that players lose ~200 rating on purpose in order to compete for the u1800 avatar (hi Just_a_game)
i dont consider this a proper competition (from the point of view of a medium player)

Statistics: Posted by Lame — 02 Nov 2013, 00:19

2013-11-01T23:26:54+02:00 2013-11-01T23:26:54+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=5517&p=56995#p56995 <![CDATA[Re: Regular Tournaments each week, organize Thread]]> Statistics: Posted by Zock — 01 Nov 2013, 23:26
