forever.log -
game.log -
replay.log -
Description of what I did to recreate crash and description of crash it self
As soon as first co op map started, I placed a Cybran T3 Strategic Missle launcher. When that was done I enabled the NoDamage console command. I then proceeded to make both my Cybran and R4sperdan's aeon commander to tech 3. I made one nuke and launched it at lower AI base. Nothing went wrong. as there was a LOT of gunships I decided to build three T3 power gens around nuke silo, R4sperdan covered remaining base in Aeon T3 shields and a lot of T3 SAMS, I proceeded to make some t3 Sams around the nuke silo.
I then built 4 cybran t2 shields and upgraded them all. After this was done, I turned of the 'NoDamage' and swatted all the AI's Air out. I then opened Command Console and open the ALT F2 place objects windows, (Both open) I then then used all 5 nukes and killed of aeon base and completed objective. Cut scene happened for first stage completion, all working normally while having both the alt F2 window open and console command window open. At the end of the cut scene, All goes black except the GUI. Game sounds continue leaving me to assume game was running but without any picture except the UI
Following these steps you should be able to create the same crash if you follow these methods closely enough.
Hope I gave enough information and hope it helps
PS. No Mods were enabled. This was all done in the bog standard Game!Statistics: Posted by Nivagely — 18 Sep 2013, 19:25