Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2013-10-06T18:38:23+02:00 /feed.php?f=26&t=5135 2013-10-06T18:38:23+02:00 2013-10-06T18:38:23+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=5135&p=55276#p55276 <![CDATA[Re: Freeze + looping sound]]>
Anaryl wrote:
Tis would be because of the double monitor. FA doesn't like the native support for dual screen. I had similar issues for along time (on a ati 7970) and updating the drivers fixed most of the problems - except running fa with dual screens.

Did you sort this out?

Im currently running an Asus 7970 DirectCUII TOP with

monitor 1 is a Samsung sync master connected through dvi (1680x1050) @60htz
monitor 2 is an old NEC connected through a dvi convertor (1024v678) @60htz only used as large map

which is causing massive issues meaning im having to disable the second monitor :cry:

It worked fine on the HIS 6790 it replaced

Statistics: Posted by Munkez — 06 Oct 2013, 18:38

2013-09-18T18:18:35+02:00 2013-09-18T18:18:35+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=5135&p=54092#p54092 <![CDATA[Re: Freeze + looping sound]]> Statistics: Posted by Anaryl — 18 Sep 2013, 18:18

2013-09-16T06:56:47+02:00 2013-09-16T06:56:47+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=5135&p=53922#p53922 <![CDATA[Re: Freeze + looping sound]]>
Thx you for help!!


Statistics: Posted by Johnattan Wolf — 16 Sep 2013, 06:56

2013-09-13T12:25:14+02:00 2013-09-13T12:25:14+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=5135&p=53785#p53785 <![CDATA[Re: Freeze + looping sound]]>
Graphic drivers: Nvidia: 326.98 Nvidia
Motherboard drivers: 15.37 Nvidia

Statistics: Posted by Johnattan Wolf — 13 Sep 2013, 12:25

2013-09-13T12:06:32+02:00 2013-09-13T12:06:32+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=5135&p=53783#p53783 <![CDATA[Re: Freeze + looping sound]]> Statistics: Posted by Ze_PilOt — 13 Sep 2013, 12:06

2013-09-13T12:17:02+02:00 2013-09-13T12:01:03+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=5135&p=53782#p53782 <![CDATA[Re: Freeze + looping sound]]>
that's the point now!
I have done what you said in 4 steps:
1 - first I put game in low graphic level (no loop sound and no freeze :D )
2 - second i try to connect 2nd screen in low level (no loop sound and no freeze :D )
3 - third i try to put game in middle graphic (no loop sound and no freeze :D ) except that in my 3nd try i have an except violation (in upload attachment)
4 - four, I try to play game in high graphic setting (loop and freeze :twisted: )

What's your conclusion.
I must said that I have a GTX 660 and i'm surprised to see that it can't run FAF in full graphic setting...

Thx for help

Statistics: Posted by Johnattan Wolf — 13 Sep 2013, 12:01

2013-09-12T15:33:19+02:00 2013-09-12T15:33:19+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=5135&p=53728#p53728 <![CDATA[Re: Freeze + looping sound]]>
If you are running a multi-screen, disable it.
Try settings the graphic fidelity on low.

Statistics: Posted by Ze_PilOt — 12 Sep 2013, 15:33

2013-09-12T07:35:26+02:00 2013-09-12T07:35:26+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=5135&p=53703#p53703 <![CDATA[Re: Freeze + looping sound]]> I have reinstalled all my drivers! (again) - same problems...

I have test FAF on:
- Lobby (freeze + sound loop)
- Solo not connected to the lobby (freeze + sound loop)
- Original FA (no solo, no lobby, only original game) ==> No freeze, no sound loop...

Don't understand...

Statistics: Posted by Johnattan Wolf — 12 Sep 2013, 07:35

2013-09-11T15:59:38+02:00 2013-09-11T15:59:38+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=5135&p=53654#p53654 <![CDATA[Freeze + looping sound]]>
Seems that I have a big problems on each of my game since 2 months when I play FAF:
- freeze
- sounds loop

I must make ctrl+alt+esc to open the console Win7 and restart playing. I have tried a lot of things:
* disable all mods (no result)
* update drivers (no result)
* put off my antivirus (no result)

I tried to identify with AIDA64 the problem and the only error in the diary was:
Erreur 129
Une réinitialisation au périphérique, \Device\RaidPort0, a été émise.
Source nvstor32

FAF and only FAF making this happen.. so I desperate to find myself the solution and ask you a help!
I post the files needed as I read on the forum.

Thx you for your help!

Statistics: Posted by Johnattan Wolf — 11 Sep 2013, 15:59
