I am unable to play FAF right now because the lobby thing wanted to update so I downloaded it (FAForeverLobby 0.8.71.msi) but then when the installer runs it gives me the error:
The feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable.
Click OK to try again, or enter an alternate path to a folder containing the installation package 'tmp26nbk1.msi' in the box below.
Use source:
I'm running Vista
I've tried searching my c drive and all drives for this file it wants, i've tried downloading the update without the automatic updates method, i'm now at a loss.
If i click 'cancel' instead of 'OK (here is your file I don't have)' it tells me
'The older version of Forged Alliance Forever cannot be removed. Contact your technical support group'
so this is what I am doing. contacting you guys for some help because I am clueless, and can't play FAF or even look at the lobby until I get through this install wizard.
Thanks guys for any help you are able to give.Statistics: Posted by Spacenuts — 02 Sep 2013, 12:26