since today I can neither update my FAF lobby (Update fails, server unable to send file) nor download new maps.
This causes me to be unable to join or create games.
I have tried to reinstall the lobby - doesnt help
I have not installed new programms on my PC.
I have tried to switch off firewall and Antivir.
Another PC in the same network works fine.
Heres the error Report:
SupComDataPath.lua is up to date.
handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 70 bytes
file : SupComDataPathFAF.lua
SupComDataPathFAF.lua is up to date.
handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 64 bytes
file : init_ladder1v1.lua
init_ladder1v1.lua is up to date.
Updates applied successfully.
handleAction(LIST_FILES_TO_UP) - 108 bytes
Files to update: [faforever.faf, faforever.nxt]
writeToServer(UPDATE, [gamedata, faforever.faf, 8b38b33e55772235413552158c1603e0])
writeToServer(UPDATE, [gamedata, faforever.nxt, 8a34888e9f43b9c38c2577feb9060b80])
handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 54 bytes
file : faforever.faf
faforever.faf is up to date.
handleAction(SEND_PATCH_URL) - 318 bytes
Failed to update file :'(
TIMEOUT: UpdaterTimeout(('Connection timed out while waiting for data.',))
Disconnected from server at 2013-08-11 14:45:23
Can you help?
I searched through the forums and found some other topics referring to this issue, but none of the solutions worked for me - or I did it wrong.
Zorias HusbandStatistics: Posted by Zoria6 — 11 Aug 2013, 15:49