Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2013-10-09T11:15:19+02:00 /feed.php?f=26&t=4616 2013-10-09T11:15:19+02:00 2013-10-09T11:15:19+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=4616&p=55469#p55469 <![CDATA[Re: "My hostname can't be resolved to a IP address" error.]]>
Ze_PilOt wrote:
You may or may not have experience crashes in the game lobby.

One of these reason is that FA is trying to resolve your IP address to your hostname, and vice-versa, and do not succeed in one of these operations.

What is a IP address?
IP means "Internet Protocol".
Your IP address is where you are in the internet (like your real world address).
It's the address that is used to send data to you.
You can check what your IP address is here :

What is a hostname?
A IP address is hard to memorize. That's why there is an extra layer on top of it.
ie. the hostname of faf is
You have a hostname, automatically given by your internet provider.

You can check what is here :

What is the problem?
The problem is that your IP give your hostname, but your hostname doesn't give your IP.

It wouldn't be a problem, but FA (not FAF) is converting, internally, your IP to the hostname and use it for connections, even I give it your IP only. It's in the code, I don't have access to it and so can't change it.

The IP is needed to send you informations, so it necessary that it works both way. If it doesn't work, problems occurs.
You see that message because it's happening to you.

You can test it yourself. From the hostname you got from the previous link, go there :
Copy / paste your hostname in the hostname field, and click "Find IP address".
You should see :

Host Name :
IP Address : cannot be resolved to an IP Address
Location : Unknown

How can I solve it?
You can't do it yourself.
It's a problem with your internet provider. You have to contact them, and give them all the infos you got from this page :
- Your IP is resolved to the hostname.
- Your hostname failed to be resolve to your IP.
You can use the links I gave you, and provide them the IP and hostname you got.

Nice post . I would like to add some points about ip address here .

An IP address is an Internet Protocol address. It is used to identify all the websites on the internet. Each IP address is unique and it is separated by periods. For example : . It ranges from 0 to 255. Each and every website have an IP address. For example, an IP address for is and that is how the internet identifies it. Generally, ip address is very difficult to remember by the visitors. So, they type domain name ( etc ) in the browser and it is converted to the destination address . This conversion process is done by DNS ( Domain name system / Domain Name Server ). There are two types of ip addresses:
1. Private Ip address
2. Public Ip address
Private ip address is also known as internal ip of your computer. To get the ip address of a computer use the following steps:
start->run->cmd-> ipconfig
start->run->cmd->ipconfig/all It shows your internal ip address. Public or external ip address is used to access the internet. To determine your public ip address use

Statistics: Posted by roentgen — 09 Oct 2013, 11:15

2013-09-06T23:30:56+02:00 2013-09-06T23:30:56+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=4616&p=53288#p53288 <![CDATA[Re: "My hostname can't be resolved to a IP address" error.]]>
My symptoms: I usually cannot connect successfully to a game on the first attempt. It takes a while to connect. Then once it finally does it say the host has timedout and I cannot see all players. If I retry a few times it eventually works (the behavior over the past several days).

Same behavior whether or not my PC is directly connected to the modem or behind a router.

Statistics: Posted by Phalanx — 06 Sep 2013, 23:30

2013-08-26T15:04:47+02:00 2013-08-26T15:04:47+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=4616&p=51792#p51792 <![CDATA[Re: "My hostname can't be resolved to a IP address" error.]]>
Game plays fine for now so i'm not that fussed, howeverSKY say they cant do anything.......

My IP stays fixed for up to 6 months at a time. Is there no way you could personally feed in your IP? Much like the Upnp port selection that I use?

Statistics: Posted by Angel_Rex — 26 Aug 2013, 15:04

2013-08-25T09:24:36+02:00 2013-08-25T09:24:36+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=4616&p=51673#p51673 <![CDATA[Re: "My hostname can't be resolved to a IP address" error.]]> Statistics: Posted by Ze_PilOt — 25 Aug 2013, 09:24

2013-08-25T03:53:04+02:00 2013-08-25T03:53:04+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=4616&p=51671#p51671 <![CDATA[Re: "My hostname can't be resolved to a IP address" error.]]>

Statistics: Posted by Phalanx — 25 Aug 2013, 03:53

2013-08-14T06:58:23+02:00 2013-08-14T06:58:23+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=4616&p=50700#p50700 <![CDATA[Re: "My hostname can't be resolved to a IP address" error.]]> Statistics: Posted by PViddy — 14 Aug 2013, 06:58

2013-08-08T00:01:18+02:00 2013-08-08T00:01:18+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=4616&p=50368#p50368 <![CDATA[Re: "My hostname can't be resolved to a IP address" error.]]>
RickYourAstley wrote:
All of the external IP grabbers (including the one in the OP) retrieve my IP properly. FAF still complains though.

Same. :|

Statistics: Posted by RoundTabler — 08 Aug 2013, 00:01

2013-08-07T20:44:34+02:00 2013-08-07T20:44:34+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=4616&p=50361#p50361 <![CDATA[Re: "My hostname can't be resolved to a IP address" error.]]> Statistics: Posted by RickYourAstley — 07 Aug 2013, 20:44

2013-08-04T03:51:14+02:00 2013-08-04T03:51:14+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=4616&p=50142#p50142 <![CDATA[Re: "My hostname can't be resolved to a IP address" error.]]> Statistics: Posted by Nombringer — 04 Aug 2013, 03:51

2013-08-04T03:21:18+02:00 2013-08-04T03:21:18+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=4616&p=50141#p50141 <![CDATA[Re: "My hostname can't be resolved to a IP address" error.]]> A: there might be a patch that reverses or minimizes the problem or
B: if someone could post even more specific instructions on how my internet provider might fix the problem so I can walk THEM through it.

You guys are still the best and way better than GPGnet keep up the good work and THX!

Statistics: Posted by Archan2099 — 04 Aug 2013, 03:21

2013-08-02T14:37:43+02:00 2013-08-02T14:37:43+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=4616&p=50087#p50087 <![CDATA[Re: "My hostname can't be resolved to a IP address" error.]]> Statistics: Posted by RoundTabler — 02 Aug 2013, 14:37

2013-08-02T12:39:28+02:00 2013-08-02T12:39:28+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=4616&p=50080#p50080 <![CDATA[Re: "My hostname can't be resolved to a IP address" error.]]> Statistics: Posted by Darro — 02 Aug 2013, 12:39

2013-08-01T07:43:03+02:00 2013-08-01T07:43:03+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=4616&p=49950#p49950 <![CDATA[Re: "My hostname can't be resolved to a IP address" error.]]> Statistics: Posted by Ze_PilOt — 01 Aug 2013, 07:43

2013-08-01T00:30:20+02:00 2013-08-01T00:30:20+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=4616&p=49941#p49941 <![CDATA[Re: "My hostname can't be resolved to a IP address" error.]]> Why NOW this error occurs, when never before existed??
I dont changed anything.
Best regards.
Ive insisted and the thing worked, but the advise appeared before, as stated above.

Statistics: Posted by vongratz — 01 Aug 2013, 00:30

2013-07-31T02:16:08+02:00 2013-07-31T02:16:08+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=4616&p=49870#p49870 <![CDATA[Re: "My hostname can't be resolved to a IP address" error.]]>
Flynn wrote:
I wonder if the Indian call centre staff would have the faintest clue what you were talking about !

NO, they won't have any idea at all, i just spent about 20-30 mins on the phone with sky and the only useful thing i got out of it is that they can't do it because i don't have a static ip address

Statistics: Posted by KNOWFEAR1337 — 31 Jul 2013, 02:16
