Forged Alliance Forever Forged Alliance Forever Forums 2013-07-19T17:13:27+02:00 /feed.php?f=26&t=4411 2013-07-19T17:13:27+02:00 2013-07-19T17:13:27+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=4411&p=48807#p48807 <![CDATA[Re: Unban me, plizz!? (unix-like trouble)]]>
ggstack wrote:
Totally, atleast I dont tell people they are going to be gassed, while using a fool of a diplomates name as my own right ^^?
Oh wow, just wow.
1. Having a different opinion =! trolling, you just flame because you are from stormfront.
2. I dont harass or target people,
3. Name them please? like I said different opinions =! trolling,
3. Attempt to manipulate moderators into banning people? Oh ok, keep telling people you will gas them.
This is just one giant ad hominem.
This is your attempted "trolling".

This is just your butthurt of getting banned because there were consequences of you said to other people.

You have a charming narcissistic personality disorder.

If you want to target, troll and flame people because of their names .....
If you want to invent lies about them to try and justify your trolling such as them being members of Stormfront .....
If you want to push peoples buttons so they react at you in private chat .....
If you want to select lines of private chat in an attempt to manipulate bans for them hoping mods dont realise what you're up to .....

and you get caught then its your own fault.

You have no legs to stand on because what you dont realise is that -
1. I took snapshots showing what you were up to and provided such evidence to a moderator.
2. Two moderators confirmed what you were up to in mainchat.
3. Mainchat is also recorded allowing moderators to go back and have a look at what was written.
4. Numerous members noted you for being a 'problem member' with continuous trolling.

Also thankyou for your concern but I'm not banned unlike you although I have changed my name because of one or two people going weird on me like yourself. If I was you I'd drop your grandiose sense of entitlement, learn to respect boundaries, take responsibility for your actions and issue an apology. A moderator might take sympathy on you if its genuine otherwise you'll be out here in limbo for a long, long time.


Statistics: Posted by Von_Ribbentrop — 19 Jul 2013, 17:13

2013-07-19T00:03:12+02:00 2013-07-19T00:03:12+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=4411&p=48778#p48778 <![CDATA[Re: Unban me, plizz!? (unix-like trouble)]]>
ggstack wrote:
Gorton wrote:Can confirm Hyperion is not katherine/littleinferno (blah other accounts) and did have a rating of 1300 ~

I dont think he is..
Katherine is just trying to get unbanned, which will never happen..

Have seen them both ingame together on different teams.

Statistics: Posted by Gorton — 19 Jul 2013, 00:03

2013-07-18T16:23:29+02:00 2013-07-18T16:23:29+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=4411&p=48747#p48747 <![CDATA[Re: Unban me, plizz!? (unix-like trouble)]]> Oh wow, just wow.
1. Having a different opinion =! trolling, you just flame because you are from stormfront.
2. I dont harass or target people,
3. Name them please? like I said different opinions =! trolling,
3. Attempt to manipulate moderators into banning people? Oh ok, keep telling people you will gas them.
This is just one giant ad hominem.
This is your attempted "trolling".

This is just your butthurt of getting banned because there were consequences of you said to other people.

Statistics: Posted by ggstack — 18 Jul 2013, 16:23

2013-07-16T01:33:34+02:00 2013-07-16T01:33:34+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=4411&p=48513#p48513 <![CDATA[Re: Unban me, plizz!? (unix-like trouble)]]>
ggstack wrote:
Also why am I banned from #aeolus?

Hi ggstack

Although I'm not a mod so I cant confirm this I think you'll find your ban is because of -
1. Constant trolling, being abusive towards others and snapshots provided to moderators proving it.
2. Your harassment and targetting of certain people because of their account names which was noticed by moderators.
3. Several people commenting on your attitude and personal issues towards others.
4. Your attempt to manipulate moderators into banning people because of those personal issues.

Enjoy your ban and lets hope you learn something from it.


Statistics: Posted by Von_Ribbentrop — 16 Jul 2013, 01:33

2013-07-13T01:24:05+02:00 2013-07-13T01:24:05+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=4411&p=48293#p48293 <![CDATA[Re: Unban me, plizz!? (unix-like trouble)]]>
Gorton wrote:
Can confirm Hyperion is not katherine/littleinferno (blah other accounts) and did have a rating of 1300 ~

I dont think he is..
Katherine is just trying to get unbanned, which will never happen..

Statistics: Posted by ggstack — 13 Jul 2013, 01:24

2013-07-13T00:27:25+02:00 2013-07-13T00:27:25+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=4411&p=48287#p48287 <![CDATA[Re: Unban me, plizz!? (unix-like trouble)]]> Statistics: Posted by Gorton — 13 Jul 2013, 00:27

2013-07-12T23:12:16+02:00 2013-07-12T23:12:16+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=4411&p=48280#p48280 <![CDATA[Re: Unban me, plizz!? (unix-like trouble)]]> Statistics: Posted by ggstack — 12 Jul 2013, 23:12

2013-07-06T12:45:57+02:00 2013-07-06T12:45:57+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=4411&p=47758#p47758 <![CDATA[Re: Unban me, plizz!? (unix-like trouble)]]> Ze_PilOt, but can you restore my rate? (~1300) xD

Statistics: Posted by Hyperion_DayZ — 06 Jul 2013, 12:45

2013-07-06T10:11:34+02:00 2013-07-06T10:11:34+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=4411&p=47746#p47746 <![CDATA[Re: Unban me, plizz!? (unix-like trouble)]]>
Don't use a VM, it's not supported.

Statistics: Posted by Ze_PilOt — 06 Jul 2013, 10:11

2013-07-06T03:21:01+02:00 2013-07-06T03:21:01+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=4411&p=47722#p47722 <![CDATA[Re: Unban me, plizz!? (unix-like trouble)]]> Statistics: Posted by Hyperion_DayZ — 06 Jul 2013, 03:21

2013-07-06T02:59:33+02:00 2013-07-06T02:59:33+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=4411&p=47720#p47720 <![CDATA[Re: Unban me, plizz!? (unix-like trouble)]]> Astrofoo not understande.

Statistics: Posted by Hyperion_DayZ — 06 Jul 2013, 02:59

2013-07-06T02:46:10+02:00 2013-07-06T02:46:10+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=4411&p=47716#p47716 <![CDATA[Re: Unban me, plizz!? (unix-like trouble)]]> Statistics: Posted by Astrofoo — 06 Jul 2013, 02:46

2013-07-06T02:44:19+02:00 2013-07-06T02:44:19+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=4411&p=47715#p47715 <![CDATA[Re: Unban me, plizz!? (unix-like trouble)]]> LittleInferno No Thx. I love FAF.

Statistics: Posted by Hyperion_DayZ — 06 Jul 2013, 02:44

2013-07-06T02:36:50+02:00 2013-07-06T02:36:50+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=4411&p=47713#p47713 <![CDATA[Re: Unban me, plizz!? (unix-like trouble)]]> Lol come to steam we are 60 players baned from faf
We now got moore games then when we where on faf this is growing,we just hope they keeep baned all..

Statistics: Posted by LittleInferno — 06 Jul 2013, 02:36

2013-07-06T03:18:51+02:00 2013-07-06T02:27:58+02:00 /viewtopic.php?t=4411&p=47709#p47709 <![CDATA[Unban me, plizz!? (unix-like trouble)]]>
My FAF lobby baned myself and it send message to me know: (Win7|notLinux)

Dear admins! Unban me, plizz!? I want to play!!!

I have low lang-skill, sorry for mistake.

Statistics: Posted by Hyperion_DayZ — 06 Jul 2013, 02:27
